The only Editorial Post in the PC which I did not ever like and therefore cannot welcome was the one you wrote yesterday - that the PC is withdrawing from the move to facilitate a MEETING.
I want you, with all the humility, sincerity and the conviction at my command, to not 'roll back' the initiative but withdraw your Post (of withdrawing). I will write a separate Note today/tomorrow on why the meeting MUST take place. But now I want to ask you a straight question - was your mighty move so casual, so simple and so light-hearted that in spite of a dozen voices spontaneously welcoming your initiative and while the other relevant people who matter, were yet to respond, a lone voice of a 'not in the picture' character, propels you to withdraw?
Come on, Mr Gangadharan, that was not your mettle. Buckle up, we have things to do....
M Sreenivasa Murty