Dear All,
Of late I have been reading mails being circulated regularly by a few of our friends with contents full of criticism and bad language for their counterparts in same association or other associations/federations even not sparing All India Secretary/President of LIC Pensioners Unions/ Associations/Federations. These Friends treat themselves as the only Well Wishers/Interest Watchers of LIC Pensioners while calling others as anti-pensioners. They are virtually indulging in a sort of media trial or media war.
We must appreciate that in a democratic set up, we will always have many working groups fighting for same cause. Let us learn to respect elected representatives of different working groups in same field and find better ways to sort out differences in working approach.
One and best solution is formation of a Co- Ordination Committee of our All India General Secretary/President or their authorized persons of All LIC Pensioners Associations (may be 4 or 5 whatsoever) so that a common working approach can be discussed, adopted and implemented for an early solution of burning issues related to LIC Pensioners.
Regards,BR MEHTA, Panchkula