Instead of appreciating the sentiments of the ordinary members of the pensioners fraternity on whose calls & requests all sections of retired employees, irrespective of class or cadre or the Assn/ Fed/ Union they belong, MAJORITY THROUGH OUT THE COUNTRY exhibited unity & mutual trust and wholeheartedly lent their full support, moral & financial, to Sh KML Asthana & AIRIEF for the common cause, but I am sorry, you have not been able to understand the wrong and harmful moves of a few for the reasons of total ignorance about the realities.
The recent efforts by Tricity Pensioners to have unity were appreciated by all when in a meeting called in Panchkula on 9th Oct.13, maximum participation, including more than 40 retirees of all classes were from PKL alone besides from Mohali and Chandigarh, and they all voluntarily contributed liberally to the legal fund of Sh KML Asthana. But your and of some other leaders of Retd Cl.I officers assn. Pkl 's absence was conspicuous. It was expected that you being a recently retiree & comparatively young will fall in line with the main stream, and the elders could avail your zeal and enthusiasm but the pensioners particularly from PKL felt otherwise. Please SIT UP calmly AND THINK HOW EXTREMELY DANGEROUS IS THE SITUATION -- after the risky developments in Pb & Hary High Court on 12.11.13.
- I. As per mail from PKL, after all CCP WAS FILED ON 11.11.13 LISTED on 12.11.13 and more than 4 months notice to LIC with next date as 26.3.14. What a set back - more delay. It appears the advocate did not persue the case properly or no body was present or personally moved the application in the court or office of Registrar for an early date as all the petitioners are super seniors and the Hon'ble HC would have acceded to the genuine request for early action.
- II. In Jallandhar case also instead of withdrawing the case, adjournment has been sought on very slippery grounds: "said case has been adjourned sine die till disposal of LIC'S pending three civil petitions......" thereby giving LIC liberty not to honour HC earlier orders in Chandigarh case till............ See - what is happening, why petitioners are not vigilant and advocate not careful in seeking orders of adjournment on such grounds. Case should have been withdrawn straight away on the ground that favourable orders have been passed by the DB of PB & Haryana HC in Chandigarh case.
I fear such delays & adjournments may not do more harm on the so far successful legal fight. However it is a matter of satisfaction that majority of the pensioners from other groups also are already joining the main stream and supporting Sh Asthana and AIREF in the legal fight on the lines of Jaipur, and time is not far off when pensioners will get full justice inspite of hurdles being created. Hail pensioners unity.
With all the best
HK Aggarwal