Monday, June 15, 2015


All actions of LIC controlled by Govt.

It is an open secret that all the actions of LIC are controlled by the Govt. and anything that LIC does is at the behest of GOI. It is crystal clear that the Govt. of the day are not at all favourably inclined to baling out senior citizens from the predicaments they are facing, both economically and socially. The dilatory tactics adopted in implementing OROP for the defence personnel, unjustified delay in giving approval to updation of pension for the RBI pensioners, the total absence of any beneficial concessions for the sr. citizens in the last budget are evidence enough to show that they have the least concern for this section of the society. A total overhauling of the labour laws is imminent and on the anvil. What Machiavellian intentions the Govt. has against the working class as a whole and the pensioners in particular will be known only when the laws reach both houses of the parliament. I am saying all this to drive home the point that LIC has no independent role to play as far as our cases are concerned. That being the case, it baffles me to make meaning out of the meeting both Mr.V.Krishnan and Mr.Sreenivasa Murty had with the MD and E.D. (Personnel). If it were for establishing a rapport with those who matter in the Central Office so that we can take up a host of issues falling within their jurisdiction, it is understandable.

It was reported that the purpose of their visit was to discuss the Supreme Court Order of 7th May and explain to them what the Order meant. Did they really believe that as representatives of LIC, in the light of what I had said above, were just waiting for their advise to implement the court order and that too according to how we interpret the order. Mr.V. Krishnan was PS to Chairman in the early eighties and I knew how protective he was when it came to the happenings within the four walls of Chairman's chamber. The intention, at the most, has served only in creating a hype and for the consumption of the gullible pensioners. Should we indulge in unproductive publicity over-kill? Let us think over.

One-upmanship is another malady afflicting our ‘Case–handlers’ (Case Managers, in the present context may be a misnomer) these days. We saw this surfacing when the Floater Medi Claim Insurance was introduced by LIC. All the pensioners, time and again have expressed solidarity with our leaders and praised them to the skies for whatever they are doing in dealing with our cases. I also feel, leaving aside minor human frailties, like any one of us, of which they are also victims, till now they have done a commendable job resulting in the Order of the 7th May from the Apex Court. It is time they stopped this craving for credit. Ego, to some degree is an essential attribute but not a perpetual ego-trip, knocking down along the way all others who are equal partners in this noble mission. 

We are at liberty to criticise the approach, viewpoints or methodology pursued by our  Case handlers but not mock at their character traits, idiosyncrasies etc. which causes deep hurts in them. Shri. Asthana and Sri.G.N Sreedharan are the latest victims of such an onslaught now. I too have lot of disagreements with both what they are doing as far as our case is concerned but not stooped to inflicting personal affront. I remember, for having committed the sin of pointing out to one of the prime case handlers ‘please look inwards a bit instead of slapping all the blame on others”, the gentleman concerned described one of my post with choice words such as “damp squib, empty rhetoric, armchair philosophy, bla bla..prophet of doom etc . Most of us are on the wrong side of 70, is it not advisable we brought a little more dignity and decency in our communications, dealings and transactions!

(To be continued)