Mr Raju's suggestion to make judiciary an essential service like Armed Forces, Police, Hospitals, SurfaceTransport is a good idea. Especially when there are more than 60000 cases pending before SC and several LAKHS of cases pending before the various HC in the country, the unmindful judiciary going on summer vacation for 30 - 40 days which is a colonial vestige is to be revisited by the powers that be.
In fact the previous Chief Justice R.M. Lodha has mooted the idea that the judiciary should forego this luxury and work like other Departments of Govt. on the eve of his retirement. But this was met with stiff opposition from the current incumbent Mr Dattu and also some legal profession luminaries.
In the interest of the litigants and for the delivering the justice without delay, this matter should get priority consideration of the Judiciary and the Executive of the nation.