Chat-n-Chat is real spicy chat in an otherwise
tepid fare. We have real education about
how the judiciary functions.
- 22nd April 2015 according to our lunar calendar is the 4th day of Shukla paksha in the month of vaisakha. Perhaps the tidhi and yoga do not suit us on that day. Otherwise how else Jayalalitha's picture pops up on that day ahead of ours. Her case (or is it case against her?) is important matter of state. So no use getting exercised over the delay in our case/s. UOI and LIC like it that way. Even on screen when Jayalalitha appears the camera is focused on her only. Everyone else gets pushed to the sides.
The summer is very much felt now. The day temperatures
are soaring up. The physical energy of old people like us
gets sapped. We must constantly rehydrate ourselves.
Otherwise there would be more obituaries.
are soaring up. The physical energy of old people like us
gets sapped. We must constantly rehydrate ourselves.
Otherwise there would be more obituaries.
- A thought crosses my mind. Why should India that is Bharat continue with the colonial practice of summer vacations for judiciary? White people could not withstand the heat in tropics and they invented the summer vacations. They used to retire to Shimla in summer which has cooler climate. In the absence of white sahibs the Raj in Delhi took rest.The present BJP government which claims to be truely Indian in thought and practice must think about this aspect. These are the days of advanced technology and everyone , every office has airconditioners to keep the cool. So why summer vacations for some institutions? When the working days increase the backlog of cases also would come down. That would be setting a good example before the entire Nation. Essential Services do not get summer vacations... Armed forces, Air force, Navy, the security organisations, the railways, the airlines, the communications , the businesses in market, the health services, the supply of products like Milk, the electricty etc., the banks, LIC ...all do not get vacations.
The Judiciary must also be made an Essential Service. The judicial services must be available throughout the year. May be some benches operate in summer to dealmatters of exceptional urgency. But that would not be sufficient what with heavy backlog of cases. Will somebody take the initiative to invite the attention of the Law Minister and Prime Minister?