Dear friends,
I was trying to contact our LIC Chairman last 2 days,
but cld’nt succeed. Today again 830am, 930am, same
position but I could notice,mobile was busy. I persisted
at 10am & lo,he picked up. I wished him again a
Happy & Prosperous New Year, thanked him
profusely for his high etiquette in that he not only
sent 1st NYG to me & when our greetings perhaps
crossed, yet another acknowledgement greetings arrived.
Whatever it is, I said, a signed greetings, for a busy
topmost executive like him, indicates a personification
of empathy & consideration.
but cld’nt succeed. Today again 830am, 930am, same
position but I could notice,mobile was busy. I persisted
at 10am & lo,he picked up. I wished him again a
Happy & Prosperous New Year, thanked him
profusely for his high etiquette in that he not only
sent 1st NYG to me & when our greetings perhaps
crossed, yet another acknowledgement greetings arrived.
Whatever it is, I said, a signed greetings, for a busy
topmost executive like him, indicates a personification
of empathy & consideration.
I initiated the issues & concerns faced by pensioners for long, indicating this empathy is missing while dealing with pensioners. I reminded him how I was one of the earliest to congratulate him for having introduced a worthy mediclaim scheme of Family Floater Policy with revised higher Basic SA ,also eligible for 75 % subsidy & Optional SA stretching upto Rs20 lacs. I also referred to recent CO Circular dt 17 Dec 2014 giving yet another opportunity to all employees/pensioners to opt for higher OSA if they want, & to convey their final choice before 28 Feb 2015. This is a highly enlightened act, I added. I conveyed that Cashless service is not taking off, as basic requirements of Ecard by TPA or Id card by LIC does not contain OSA, without which, admission is difficult, golden hours for pensioner & patient crucial but made uncertain without PROPER evidence for TPA, Hospitals. This need to be remedied immediately
I added that many pensioners have died, are dying & number of Family Pensioners have multiplied as the proportion of FP to RP has risen from 18% to 38% in the last few years.Sadder still will it be,if the Sum Assured risk disappears, on account of pensioners/family pensioners, for genuine reasons not able to pay the full mediclaim premium before 31 March every year. Is it not necessary,therefore Mr Chairman that same consideration by which Employees were given the facility of 12 monthly deductions of premium from Salary, so too Pensioners be graciously given now atleast SAME treatment, which will earn for LIC goodwill & gratitude from entire pensioners fraternity.
I conveyed that recently we learnt that New India is prepared to include under CASHLESS more critical illnesses & approve of the same but no letter has gone to them.I briefly hinted the pathetic condition of Sri RS Ahuja, ZM Retd, whose wife went for total knee replacement,dingdong in hospital/TPA & atlast intervention of Sr Executive NI helped receive cashless facility. His letter to Chief P, CO,is an eyeopener & so CO Per can send a forceful communication to NI to open up cashless for more critical illnesses of heart, cancer & much more.
He informed that he will ask the Dept to
address these grievances & suggestion.
address these grievances & suggestion.
I sought his pardon for troubling him & emphasized that even a simple administrative matter like supply of Statistics of Pensioners—Regular, Family, Exgratia – Zonewise, Division wise & for CO, I am not able to get & last year I could succeed with Secretary ER,CO but I was told this work was transferred to COOS.After I directed my efforts towards Sy OS,CO, I sent email as per her request,reminded them twice but of no avail.
I also pathetically pointed out that still Pensioners Portal has not seen the light of day,even though we have given 4 page Suggestions in April 2012 & a boon to pensioners from many angles,we are denied the facility of getting personal attention & resolution of individual grievances.
He said work is on with an agency &
matters are moving.
matters are moving.
I wished him well & prayed the critical 2 months brings in plenty of new business & fetches good dividends to put up much better performance for LIC as a whole.
suggestions made to improve pensioners