I would like to clarify from friend circle the position in regard to the total amount of ex gratia that GOI pre 1986 get in terms of GOI Office Memorandum dated 27th June 2013 mentioned in GOI OM-letter 7th May 2014 posted in LIC PC on 15-08-2014.
Copy of letter dt.27-06-2013/28-06-2013 given below for information :
The GOI letter dated 7th May, 2014 regarding entitlement of dearness relief @ of 200 % fromPlease see paragraph 4 in particular. It says, " Dearness ex-gratia equal to 50 % ofthe enhanced amount of ex-gratia and Dearness Relief, as notified from time to time, on the sums of enhanced amount of ex-gratia and dearness ex- gratia shall also be admissible to them "I shall try to get clarification from friend circle whether - for example - Group A Service pre 1986 retiree gets Rs.3000/- ( Enhanced ex gratia ) + Rs.1500/- ( Dearness ex- gratia ) = Rs.4500/- and 200 % Dearness Relief on Rs.4500/-, a total of Rs.13500/- from 01-01-2014 to 30-06-2014.
01-01-2014 to A, B, C and D Group Services is 'silent' about 'Dearness ex-gratia' ?
Dearness Relief to go up from 01-07-2014. GOI to issues OM reg. DA and DR hike to serving
employees, pensioners and to pre 1986 retirees any time this month or next month.
I request readers that some of them may please try to know exact position in regard to ex-gratia to pre 1986 retirees obtaining in GOI from their friend circle /acquaintance and share the information for advantage/ knowledge of readers through one of the best medias : LIC Pensioners Chronicle.
There is imperative need to enhance ex- gratia to LIC Seniors / Founder Members : Feed back please to licpensionerschronicle@hotmail.com
SN ( a 1992 pensioner )