I refer to the letter of Shri Mahadevan. It is a very noble thought on his part to remember the hapless EG Pensioners and plead for their cause. In these days of high inflation and very little Value for the Rupee in the market, what this pittance could buy for the the EG Pensioners.
- Even the old age pensioners and widows from among the general Public are getting a monthly pension of Rs 1000/- inTamilnadu thanks to the benevolent and kind hearted Chief Minister and I believe it is the same amount in other States too. This amount is given by the State Govt as a social security for the poor people.
- Naturally if it is given as Ex Gratia Pension, the amount should have been much much more. But LIC management lacks the basic courtesy and kind-heartedness toward its Pensioners.
- As rightly suggested by Shri Mahadevan, this matter should be taken up with the Authorities by the various LIC Pensioners Associations immediately for rightful remedy.