Now, it is the time for consolidation. Orders for both SLPs no 16755-58 of 2013 and this SLP 17726 of 2013 appear to be identical. In both cases no stay were granted in respect of judgments by Rajasthan High court and Dehi High court respectively.
1) Civil Appeal no 8959 to 8962 of 2013 ( LICI vs KML Asthana/against the judgement of Rajasthan High court
2) Civil Appeal no.6995 of 2013 ( LIC vs Madan Lal Gandhi / against the judgement of PB & Haryana High court )
3) SP (CIVIL) CC no 17726 of 2013 (LICI vs Fedn of Retd. class-I officers' Assn/ against the judgement of Delhi High court) status-converted in to Civil Appeal & yet to be numbered).
Apart from the mentioned cases, Contempt Petition (CCP'760' of 2010) is due to be heard at Rajasthan High court during the third week of this month. SC Orders in the
matters of SLPs against the judgments of Rajasthan High court and Delhi High court appear to be identical, particularly in both cases no stay was granted over the judgements of two High Courts.
Now the three civil appeals by LIC and the contempt petition have to be fought tooth and nail keeping aside the differences between Federation and AIREFputting the interest of the pensioners at the top because the pensioners shall be the ultimate winners and not any particular association or individual.
It is sincerely desired that the leaders of the Associations should take the lead in forging unity because united fight can only lead us to ultimate victory earlier.
It is, also, believed that in the event of not arriving at unity, Asthanaji shall lead the legal battle single handed with thousands of pensioners behind him.
Subir Kumar Mazumder