Through Zonal / Sr. Divisional Manager
The Executive Director(personnel)
L. I. C of India.
Re. An urgent appeal to pay pension on the last working day of month
Dear Sir,
We invite your kind attention to the email of our General Secretary on Friday, 2 September, 2022 regarding Payment of pension on Last working day of the month, on the pattern of banks including RBI and SBI.
On behalf of the pensioners of the (name of Assn,/Zone) , we would like to make an appeal on the above subject matter. We are affiliated to Federation of Retired LIC class 1 officers' Association. We wish to remind you of the assurance given by yourself to the Jt. Secretary of Federation of Retired LIC class 1 officers 'Associations at Chennai ,when he met you on 18.08.2022. During the discussion you were kind enough to agree to help us in this matter. Sir , you assured that “the matter will be discussed with officials of the Central Office for doing needful”. On this issue a lot of information and data had already been provided in a letter dated. 16.08.2022, written by the Secretary of Federation of Retired LIC class 1 officers 'Associations , to Chairperson Sri M. R. Kumar and other concerned authorities of Central Office , requesting them to adopt Banks practice of “Paying the pension on Last working day of the month”, to put an end to the perpetual problem of pension not being credited on the 1st of the next month due to holidays.
We were expecting the decision to come before the end of INSURANCE WEEK, as a GIFT to pensioners at no financial cost. But we are greatly disappointed on the delay in decision making. It has already been brought to the notice of the Chairperson, MD and your good self that LIC offices shall be closed from 1st October to 5th October 22, in the northern States of the country, owing to Durga Pooja and Vijayadashmi festivals, meaning thereby the pension module would be run on 6th October and pension may be credited in the late hours of 6th or 7th October at the earliest.
We hope you are well aware of the fact that DURGA POOJA festival is celebrated with great reverence in the States of Bengal, Assam, Odhisa and nearing states. Celebration of any festival requires money in hand. If the pensioners get the pension on 7th October, how they would be able to celebrate these auspicious festivals. IT WOULD BE A GREAT INJUSTICE to them, that they do not get their own money in time.
We therefore, once again request you to take the decision in the matter well before 25th September 22. In case you still need more time to decide, then as a very special case make some alternate arrangements so that this time, pension for September is definitely credited on 1st of October 22 to the pensioner's bank accounts.
We hope favourable action would be taken on our appeal.
Yours faithfully