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Following trends being observed for the last few proceedings at Supreme Court have now almost become like a normal practice .
1. AIRIEF appointed Sh. G. Krishnaswamy as its official spokesperson who was earlier its Treasurer and presently being its General Secretary with his H.Q at Banglore and it was communicated very clearly that no body else (KML also included) will be authorised to speak on behalf of AIRIEF except its official spokesperson.
However, normal trend being seen by all of us is that only KML is speaking and its official spokesperson is silent.
2. On the day of SC Proceedings date, Sh. Murty through your blog tells all concerned what is latest and as such your blog has emerged as fastest source of information. That is the reason for record number of hits for your PC on any such date.
After a few days gap it is not AIRIEF Spokesperson but unauthorised person Sh. KML who will place his version on another blog first followed by LICPC later on and his version is primarily based on lesser reporting but more misreporting targetting Sh. Murty.
3. Since after reading KML Version, we are eager to ask him a few questions about his so called Facts. We send our such questions to another blog first where his version was uploaded initially. But Editor of another blog refuses to upload our questions addressed to KML due to reasons best known to him only.
Next, we send our questions to your blog and we are obliged to you that you happen to be a neutral editor providing an opportunity to your readers to know the opposite side also.
But the normal trend becoming a practice is that KML never replies such questions .God bless him.
(We have only a cartoon interest in this matter. Thru the editoral cartoon, we have explained the point. Otherwise we wish to keep aloof from the matter which is sought to be explained by Shri Mehta in so many words. -Ed.)