As an anxious pensioner in the twilight of his life I was glued this Thursday to my PC and to the Chronicle and I thank Shri MSM for flashing the proceedings in the Supreme court minute by minute which reminds me of ball by ball description in a cricket commentary. Thanks to Chronicle for the timely and appropriate cartoon and I am reminded of RK Lakshman for his inimitable style of his expressions in his figurative cartoons.
Although due to paucity of time, a genuine one much could not be transacted today in our matter it is encouraging that our case is put on the fast track and will henceforth has to move fast without getting derailed to any more adjournments and the court has already given their mind in not giving any more adjournment asked by LIC. This is the beginning of an end which probably we will witness in the next hearing which fortunately is not very far away. When the Bench resumes the hearing on 30 March the IR of 20% will take precedence over other matters being contested and two simple questions that need to be answered on that day are:
1.Whether the 20 % IR has been released to all in accordance with the Delhi HC order and if not why?
2.Whether the 20 % IR paid was accompanied by a statement of how the amount has been arrived and in its absence how could the recipient vouch for its accuracy. ( It will be prudent for the counsels to present to the court a few cases where the payments made were woefully short of what was payable legally and legitimately. The Hyderabad association should be having this in their hand) This will expose LIC’s fallacy that there was no contempt of the court as payment was made.
Now that fortunately our case is on the fast track it will gather momentum and my premonition is that the curtain will be down once for all before the court adjourns for the summer vacation
Wishing you all the best of time to come