Friday, February 26, 2016
25 Feb 16, 03:27 PM
B.R.Mehta: I really appreciate editorial policy of the editor. Yes, it is true, why he should be afraid of any one ? Or why he should try to please some one out of turn ? Or why he should indulge in Vote Bank Politics amongst Pensioners since he has not to beg for their votes from Pensioners Constituency.
25 Feb 16, 05:09 PM
G.Krishna Prasad.: What is happening in JNU is fight between the left-backed Student Unions and the ABVP, and in the melee all sorts of nonsense is being spoken in the name of freedom of speech. Inasmuch as the courts are seized of the issue, please leave it at that.
(Even ABVP functionaries have resigned from the Union in protest against what they call gagging freedom of speech etc. Ed.)