23 Feb 16, 12:42 PM
G. Naraynaswamy: The write -up 'Avoid distractions... Stay
focused' by M. V. Venugopalan is a brilliant sum-up of the current situation. Venugopalan is another name for Krishna. So his Gita for Action. To stay focused.
23 Feb 16, 09:33 PM
karunakaran: No Deposit. No Interest. And Not even a Poor 'Pensioner status' also. Congrats.
23 Feb 16, 01:59 PM
23 Feb 16, 01:59 PM
subbu: AIIEA has demanded for a congratulatory compliments letter for all pensioners recognizing their contribution. Good indeed. I am not so sure whether a GOI approval is necessary !
23 Feb 16, 01:11 PM
23 Feb 16, 01:11 PM
krishna mukherjee: my husband was administrative officer of os department of howrah division who retired on october 1995. Now after his death on 3rd March 2015 I am drawing a pension of Rs.7149.00 Pl. arrange a BPL card.