In the reply given by SN sir to Shri. Chopra, where pension comparison of Shri
S. G. Sreevastava, retired as AAO on 1st August, 2012 is given, there appears to be
some errors.
Since retirement is on the last day of the month, it should be either on 31st July
or on 31st Aug.
If the officer had retired on 31st July 2012, and Basic salary was 32640 in the last
10 months, his basic pension will be 16320. He can commute 1/3 (5440); his DR
from Aug.12 will be 66.15% based on average CPI of May-July 2012, i.e.,4708.
months, alongwith the pre-revised basic of 32640, DA actually drawn by him during
that period will also be taken.
S. G. Sreevastava, retired as AAO on 1st August, 2012 is given, there appears to be
some errors.
Since retirement is on the last day of the month, it should be either on 31st July
or on 31st Aug.
If the officer had retired on 31st July 2012, and Basic salary was 32640 in the last
10 months, his basic pension will be 16320. He can commute 1/3 (5440); his DR
from Aug.12 will be 66.15% based on average CPI of May-July 2012, i.e.,4708.
His pension for the month of Aug.2012 after commutation will be:
basic pension 16320 less 1/3 (5440) plus DA 10796 = 21676.
If he had retired on 31st Aug. 2012, his basic pension will be calculated differently.
His revised basic of 62040 will be taken for Aug. 12 and for the earlier period of 9 months, alongwith the pre-revised basic of 32640, DA actually drawn by him during
that period will also be taken.
Thus Aug. 12 Nov 11 to July 12 total
Basic 62040 + (32640 x 9) 293760 355800
DA May-July 19633x3 58899
Feb-Apr 19241x3 57723
Nov-Jan 18311x3 54933 527355 /10 = 52736/2 = 26368
Thus basic pension will be 26368 and on commutation of 1/3 (8789), balance will be 17579 and there will be no DA. There will be a reduction in pension of 748 and Pension after commutation will get reduced by 4097.
In Aug.2015, pension before revision will be Rs.34,386 as rightly given by SN sir, but revised pension will be: basic pension 26368 and DR @ 29.70%, ie. 7831 = 34199.