- Harbinger Of Profitable Effort.
- Harbinger Of Profitable Experiences.
- Harvest Outpouring Protective Environment.
- Has Optimism Prevail Enchantingly/Enticingly.
- Heads Off Pessimism Effectively.
- Helplessness Overcomes; Possibilities Explores/Envisages.
- Helplessness Overcomes; Procreates Enthusiasm.
- Helplessness Overcomes; Propels Enthusiasm.
- Helplessness Overrides, Prolongs Endurance.
- Helplessness Overrides, Promotes Endeavour.
- Helps One Ponder Encouragingly.
- Helps Optimists Proceed Enthusiastically/ Earnestly/Effortlessly.
- Helps Our Path Exploration.
- Heralds Omnipotent Passage, Eclectically.
- Highlights Our Problems Elasticity.
- Highlights Opportunities, Potential, Excitement.
- Highly Optimistic, Promises, Embraces.
- Hilariously/Humorously Ousts Problematic Environment.
- Hinders Our Pessimism Excitingly/Elegantly.
- Hinges On Promises Exterior.
- Hinges On Provident Enterprise/Exploitation.
- Hinges On Prudence, Endeavour.
- Hints Of Providential Escape.
- Hints Out Possible, Escape.
- Hints Of Possibilities, Endlessly.
- Historically Offers Plentiful Encouragement.
- Holding On Potential Explores.
- Holds Out Possibilities Endlessly.
- Holds Out Prospects Expectedly.
- Honours Outright Providential Explorers.
- Hotbed Of Promising Eventualities.
- Houses Optimistic, Potential, Explorers.
- Houses Optimism, Possibilities, Endlessly.
- Hovers Optimistically, Promises Enigmatically.
- Humourously Ousts Problems, Eventually.