I find that Mr. M. S. Murthy, who is the President of the estranged
Retired Class I Officers Association's Hyderabad Unit is back with his usual criticism. For the answers to his doubts it is
better he refers again to his own communications published in the
columns of PC. I do not want to prolong the battle of spites and I am
firmly of the opinion that the outcome of Mr. Murthy's IA has only
helped LIC to get a fresh breather till 21-09-2015. Because of the
interim order of the S. C. Bench dated 07-09-2015, now the cause of
action for Contempt case is shifted by 9 weeks. Other than that I don't
think anything positive has happened as far the interests of LIC
Pensioners are concerned.
B. S. Hegde, Udupi
(The concerned parties have explained the points well. This discussion is therefore closed. The advantage of closing the discussion is given to the person having the 'opposite view'.We note all others who responded did so in favour of Shri Murty. -Ed.)