22 Jul 15, 10:11 PM
When HGA cadre was created they were meant to handle not
routine work but work demanding higher knowledge. Then
nobody foresaw that many would become qualified.
An Assistant could become a section head which was
"supervisory" or a HGA which was " technical." The
supervisory SHs were paid a special allowance of Rs.30,
increased by 5 rupees every 5 years.
There were quarrels in branches also as to who is higher in rank, SH or HGA ? One was supervisory and another was of higher scale of pay. This created a peculiar situation.
SH could mark attendance. Then the famous case of " unequals being made equal " with abolition of SH cadre came. 220 HGAs were in a class by themselves. 1970s the decade was exciting.
There was a tribunal on promotion policy. HGA Assn., S.H. forum, Technically qualified but unpromoted Associates forum etc. were seen in full action.
1965 to 1977 there were no promotions and those eligible were quarreling amongst themselves.