Referring to the post under the above
caption by Mr R K Viswanathan, it will
be interesting to know,in response to the
belated requirement of LIC from the
Federation of Retired LIC Class I Officers’
Associations, who will all be included
in the list that will be submitted by the
- Will the list contain the names of all the members of the Federation or will it only contain the names of members who retired on or before 31/7/1997, considering that the Delhi High Court has only allowed the petition of the Federation for removal of DR anomaly and 100% DR neutralization?
- Presumably the list will contain the names of the family pensioners also in respect of pre-deceased Class I retirees with their contact details.
Another question that arises is whatever payment the Corporation makes to the beneficiaries, will LIC give supporting calculations, as experience in the past indicates that LIC gives its calculations only if asked for by the court?
I hope that the Federation, while submitting the list to LIC, will clearly insist on the calculation sheet being provided to each of the beneficiaries in respect of payments made. Merely because interim benefit is paid, it does not mean calculations need not be given as LIC needs to establish that the interim relief is 20% of the amount due to the beneficiary in terms of the impugned judgment of the Delhi High Court.
With greetings,
C H Mahadevan