19 Jul 15, 01:08 AM
Sri Ramanathan Sir, your thoughts are not random, but they are timely warnings to the case managers.
Your point in the concluding para:The writs of Govt. ill conceived and devoid of merit for the reason they have forfeited the right of appeal and appeals are hopelessly time barred - a great point for the case managers and advocates.
There is no scope for the SC to determine, if there is any reasonable delay, recognisable in law, to condone because legal right once lost is irredeemable through any other process.
The Govt. having not opted to contest, their is attributable only to their callous attitude at the relevant time. This point requires the attention of attorneys at argument stage to thwart the writs of Govt. being taken up for consideration by the SC.
Thanks Sri Ramanathan Sir for your timely article in the blog and I hope our case managers will ponder over your Random Thoughts.