Whatever one would say the effort made by Retired class 1 officers association, Hyderabad in presenting in person a memorandum to the LIC officials which has adequately highlighted the pensioners grievance is laudable. It will have a salutary effect rather than merely sending letters to CO which so far has not evoked even a reply leave alone calling a meeting and talking to us. When you meet a person you will be able to read his mind during the conversation which a snail mail could not. The Memorandum has given a very clear message that we the pensioners are a force to reckon , not docile who could easily be taken for a ride. May be that this is what is happening in the present scenario and the players behind the curtain I need not mention but everybody knows.
A day or two before the expiry of JUNE 18 the cat will be out of the bag and anticipating this the case managers have to gear up, leaving aside any differences, keeping the ego in the back burner and be prepared for any eventuality and expose before the learned judges the willful intention to prolong the legal battle and make merry leaving aside all ethics and dharma.