Dear Editor,
Let me congratulate first our highly learned friend Sh. B.S. Hegde for his very comprehensive assessment of current situation being faced by LIC Pensioners.
However, I do not agree with him for his view that unity for pursuing legal battle is not required at all.
The immediate challenge before entire LIC Pensioners community is how to defeat GOI/ LIC management with their unlimited resources being used against LIC Pensioners and certainly this challenge needs perfect co ordination and understanding for united legal battle. This is not important who takes the credit but it is more important that LIC Pensioners register their final victory in this crucial battle.
Lack of unity due to any reason will continue to keep us at a place where we are today that
an ED retired from LIC 18 years ago draws lesser pension than a class four employee retiring after availing benefit of wage revision wef 01.08.2012.