There is a saying too many cooks spoil the broth. Extend it further to the prevailing situation it could be said that too many suits in different courts by pensioners individually and collectively through their organization representing them has led to the present turmoil as could be seen when the SC order of May 7 saying pay to the respondent-employees and the word employees being open for interpretation, advantage LIC/UOI.
In some cases settled earlier the appellant LIC in accordance with the court order paid into the court the decreed amount to the petitioners in the suit leaving the non-petitioners high and dry making them wonder what would be their next step to get their dues and should they have to again resort to legal measures to end their suspense.
What a misfortune to them especially to those who are in the sun set of their life, who have been waiting for more than a decade to receive the fruits of the victory in the case but strangely it is eluding them again advantage LIC/UOI.
Pensioners belonging to a homogeneous group started thinking on one voice for one group and had it happened perhaps and they took over the responsibility of filing the writs without their members going to the courts with financial constrains much of the present turmoil could have been averted and even for future negotiations on trade union matters one voice for one group will usher in a better future for the pensioners.
Will this happen or it is a wishful thinking of an 82+ aged pensioner who is concerned about his pensioner friends