Dear Shri.Gangadharan,
Shri.Sreenivasamurthy has raised a valid question: "How
Mr.Venugopalan came to the conclusion that the anonymous writer
is a pensioner?" . I admit I have absolutely no clue as to who this
gentleman,claiming to be the self-proclaimed saviour of GOI,LIC and
the policyholders, is. It was purely based on certain safe assumptions
made by me after going through his letter.
He has devoted almost an entire paragraph to the dubious role
played by Shri.Murthy in the Supreme court while our case is being
heard .He has even given minute details of the source from which
Shri.Murthy has generated his communications to the members. He
has not even spared Shri.C.H.Mahadevan, who all of us know, is a
thorough and level-headed gentleman. At one place, Mr.Anonymous
himself has admitted that he is a regular 'sticker' to the Pensioners
Blog.Mr.Murthy, do you now get what made me arrive at the above
Sometimes we put two and two together to arrive at four. If
someone asks me why 4 and why not something else, honestly, I
have no answer. Now that Shri.Perumal and a number of our other
pensioners have proved the hollowness and inherent futility in the
arguments advanced by the anonymous writer, should we still get
stuck up in it like the needle in the groove of the long-playing
records of the yesteryear!!
It is time for us to move on and fix our eyes on the probably
emerging scenario on the 22nd of April22nd. Thanks to Mr. Murthy
he has come out with his views. Is it not time we somehow made
Mr.Asthana to share with us his views on the 'Maintainability' card
he has played and its impact on our case.
By the way, has Mr.Murthy any inside information that that
Mr.Anonymous is not an LIC pensioner?
With Regards,
M V Venugopalan