Now-a-days Chat Masala has become one of the items on menu for dinners that follow marriages and receptions. Anyone who relishes Chat will attest to the fact that it has ingredients to suit the tastes of all. Something in it for everyone.
We are all convinced that our demand for updation of pensionis genuine and justified. We hail the Jaipur Judgment and would
like to see it implemented in letter and spirit. We are confident of
the legal acumen, experience and talents of our legal counsel.
We desire to see the cases concluded early and in our favour. We are irritated at the repeated adjourn-ments and the unpredictable priorities of the Court.
LICPC carries the information available from several sources
and its contents and posts are not like a union circular that tends to
present a monochromatic view. It is to the credit of LICPC that
it allows space to those who write on all aspects of life that
interest the pensioners' community.
The cartoons and posts reflect the mood among pensioners at any given point of time. They also delicately remind the readers of reality of external world that exists objectively. All this is meant to elevate their mood in advanced age/s and to avoid a feeling of sullenness that matters are not moving the way we would like to see them move.
Back to Chat Masala...Sense of humour and satire are great
tools to highlight the injustices in the system . They have to
be received and understood in proper perspective. So when
Mr. Aboobucker wrote about Jayalalitha's case taking
precedence over ours, I was tempted to link it with the
tidhi and yoga on 22nd. That is in lighter vein. Mr. RKV went
present a monochromatic view. It is to the credit of LICPC that
it allows space to those who write on all aspects of life that
interest the pensioners' community.
The cartoons and posts reflect the mood among pensioners at any given point of time. They also delicately remind the readers of reality of external world that exists objectively. All this is meant to elevate their mood in advanced age/s and to avoid a feeling of sullenness that matters are not moving the way we would like to see them move.
Back to Chat Masala...Sense of humour and satire are great
tools to highlight the injustices in the system . They have to
be received and understood in proper perspective. So when
Mr. Aboobucker wrote about Jayalalitha's case taking
precedence over ours, I was tempted to link it with the
tidhi and yoga on 22nd. That is in lighter vein. Mr. RKV went
into depth.
Pensioners belong to all schools of philosophy and thought. Many amongst us think of auspicious days. I wrote about adjournment, vacations for judiciary etc. All this was meant to relieve our boredom.
Mr. GNS wrote about " friends who seem to have all the time
in the world to express their personal views" in LICPC. With his
long experience as an advocate he said nothing can be done
about long vacations for judiciary. He felt we should not
say anything about that "without doing anything to create
public opinion."
I am a retired LIC employee and a pensioner without any other avocation or business of profit to pursue. I am satisfied with whatever pension I get and " have all the time in the world."
If Shri GNS wishes to start creating public opinion about
improving the functioning of judiciary, I will use all my time
to canvass supporters for the good idea.
Pensioners belong to all schools of philosophy and thought. Many amongst us think of auspicious days. I wrote about adjournment, vacations for judiciary etc. All this was meant to relieve our boredom.
Mr. GNS wrote about " friends who seem to have all the time
in the world to express their personal views" in LICPC. With his
long experience as an advocate he said nothing can be done
about long vacations for judiciary. He felt we should not
say anything about that "without doing anything to create
public opinion."
I am a retired LIC employee and a pensioner without any other avocation or business of profit to pursue. I am satisfied with whatever pension I get and " have all the time in the world."
If Shri GNS wishes to start creating public opinion about
improving the functioning of judiciary, I will use all my time
to canvass supporters for the good idea.
B. Ganga Raju