white full shirt, and a black alpaca coat (generally worn by lawyers).
He had a luxuriant tuft in which flowers were tucked in.
He was in simple chappals and carried an old black box.
No doubt the durwan barred entry to this man as he thought he was some salesman. When he told the durwan that he had come from Madras for an interview for Officer’s post in RBI the durwan allowed him.

All were in western attire - one sporting even a bow tie. They were amused to see this candidate. However, they were impressed when they learnt that he held a post-graduate degree in Geography and displayed a score of gold medals he had amassed during his academic career.
The Board asked him a number of questions which he answered with ease.
Then one of the D.G’s told him RBI has a dress code
“You will have to remove your shikha or tuft and have a crop..
Then one of the D.G’s told him RBI has a dress code
“You will have to remove your shikha or tuft and have a crop..
Will you do it?”
“Certainly not” answered the candidate.
“Why?” asked an aghast D.G.
“Since you have not offered me a firm job, I am apt to lose my favourite tuft and also not got the job”.
They had a hearty laugh and asked him to join the RBI then and there. R.Janakiraman rose to the level of Dy. Governor.
He recounted this story at his send off.