Drink, Drugs, Cigarettes. Now, the internet. Taiwan’s parents now have a legal obligation to monitor the amount of time their children spent online. Lawmakers have approved the Child and Youth Welfare and Protection Act which allows the government to fine parents of children who spend too much time on the internet. Citing health concerns, the Taipei government can fine parents upto $50,000 Taiwanese dollars ($1,595) if their child’s use of electronic devices ‘exceeds a reasonable time’, reports Taiwan’s CTTV.
“Under the new law, excess screen time is now considered to
be the equivalent of vices like smoking, drinking, using drugs and chewing
betel nuts,” writes Time magazine’s Melissa Locker. What is a ‘reasonable time’ remains
unspecified. The legislation, needless to say, is controversial. Big Brother is
now watching your child.
The Times of India, Chandigarh
Courtesy: HK Aggarwal.