1. Commitment to Health improvement, confidence in your actions and a cheerful “Mindset” are the keys for Healthy ageing.
2. Become aware of healthful practices and follow them.
Eat a balanced diet, eat only when hungry. |
4. Exercise your body and mind regularly. Avoid sedentary living. Breath clean air. Beware of your step as you walk.
5. Have enough sleep (7-8 hrs. a day) on a flat firm bed. While sitting carry your head and shoulders on a straight back.
6. Keep the mind active through practice of positive creative thinking.
7. Relax the “stressed” mind and body through meditation and Yoga. Keep your emotional balance. Avoid negative emotions, promote pleasantness.
8. Seek medical help at the first signs of ill health. Take extra care if there is family susceptibility for certain illnesses. Avoid self drugging.
9. Some frailty and disability are natural. Accept the ageing changes as part of life. Take life as it comes. Avoid apprehension and anxiety of future.
10. Many believe in death as relinquishing a worn out body and perhaps go in for life anew somewhere! It helps in overcoming anxiety.
* Center for Research on Aging, Dept. of Psychology, S.V.University,