- Save, to stand by yourself at sixty and seventy.
develop a hobby in which others will be interested...
(Chronicle) - Develop a hobby to occupy – in which others would be interested.
- Part not your property, only bequeath it.
- Eat, exercise and relax in moderation to maintain mental and physical health.
- Be slow to smite, but quick to pardon. Criticism is the cult of the cruel.
- Understand and tolerate the younger generation. Help them but don’t hinder. Their culture may be different from yours.
- Help in home making – baby sitting, caretaking, teaching and even house-keeping. Service to others is service to oneself.
- Remember that power and authority win you enemies but no friends, more so in old age. Love begets love. Hatred begets hatred. Trust begets trust. The laws of reflection are never more true than in life in old age.
- Have faith in God and trust in yourself. They will keep your body and mind in one piece.
- And above all, learn to smile at yourself. No one is perfect, and not you for definite.
* Center for Research on Aging, Department of Psychology, S.V.University,