Got your stopwatch?
Ready, set, go!
5 seconds: It only takes five seconds to smile and say 'good morning'. Whether you meet a co-worker first thing in the morning at work, or pass your neighbour on a morning walk, take the effort to smile and vocalise a verbal greeting rather than going with a mere nod of acknowledgement. The added friendliness will add much to your life – and theirs!
(Chronicle) |
10 seconds: Give up your place in queue to the elderly person behind you. We've all but forgotten our culture of ancestor-worship, and senior citizens who've spent years earning their place in life often get unfairly brushed aside. Bring a smile to the face of someone in their golden years with this little gesture of courtesy, particularly if you're just killing time on a Saturday at the mall or supermarket.
30 seconds: Eat a fruit. One apple, one banana, one guava, one sapodilla (sapota/chikoo) is all it takes to up your daily nutrition and fibre count, with hardly any calories added to your diet.
tinned pineapple, cooked or tinned fruit, don't count.
60 seconds: Did you spend too much? We invariably do! Cut back on impulse buys with this simple strategy : before you head to the billing counter, take a minute to run an eye over your purchases. Put back anything you don't really need or have second thoughts about (there's always at least one thing!). Saving that 300, 200 or 100 bucks extra will add up to significant gains in the long run. Plus, you'll be teaching yourself fiscal discipline, a very important trait in a straitened economy where markets are, surprisingly, still crowded with attractive non-essentials.
2 minutes: Apply sunblock or sunscreen before you step out. With the hole in the ozone layer, slathering on sun-protection lotion has become as vital as filtering your drinking water. Invest in a good sunscreen with an SPF or Sun Protection Factor of 20 or more to keep skin cancer at bay. And no, a scarf wrapped around your face does not, repeat, does not, do the job. Damaging UV rays can easily filter through the fabric, quite apart from their being a breeding-ground for acne and pimples.
5 minutes: Brush before bedtime. It'll make your teeth last twenty years longer. Allowing food particles to stay in your teeth overnight makes your mouth an all-night party for germs. So scrub those pearly-whites before you turn in at night!
Start the year right with these little things that only take a few minutes, or even seconds – and watch the your quality of life
(Recd thru V.Gopalan)