Another debacle for our case is adjourned to 25 TH FEBRUARY.
unusual and we are used to these suspenses.
After all we were living on
hopes and those hopes have become endless.
What is the significance and
the meaning of ‘ Mention ‘.
This would better be extinguished from the
legal lexicon.
A pensioner friend in his mail remarked that there is a
Government hand
in these adjournments and as he has rightly predicted
that the GOI wants
our court settlement after they have finalized the
negotiation with the banks.
It could be true as otherwise there is no
justification for the Hon court to adjourn our
case to several weeks
ignoring the Mention.
Recently Justice Mizra has vehemently
attacked the habit of asking for
adjournments which was highlighted in
the media.
Is not an ounce of practice worth a ton of preaching.
Come 25
TH FEBRUARY we are not sure whether we are in for any more
suspense. In
the meanwhile let us keep smiling, enjoy browsing
Chronicle and keep
ourselves healthy in tune with the
adage : if wealth is lost nothing is
lost., But if health is lost everything is lost.