The Editor has chronicled mainly the pension related issues and other aspirations of LIC Pensioners in particular.
He has very systematically shared the court proceedings/ developments.
He has given wide spectrum/ more than enough space in the blog to all (including commoners) to scribble / to express fair and free thoughts without fear or favour - all for the ultimate good of pensioners.
He has highlighted faithful reactions, views and counter views.
He has also carried few details of pension matters in GOI, RBI and banks for appreciating grievances of pensioners other than that of LIC Pensioners.
He also publishes articles of interest for day today use/benefit of pensioners. Also, poems, titbits, cartoons etc., a diversion of sort for readers.
He without giving an inkling to the writers makes suggestions / edits to ensure the write ups are not banal or unworthy of posting.
It is, I say, a statement of fact in my case. The blend of colour and representative pictures accompanying the articles are characteristically charming and unique to Shri P.G. Gangadharanji.
The blog has never been or is the exclusive domain of Shri P.G.
It is not brought out for airing the Editor's personal views/ideas/opinions.
- The LIC PC is reportedly read by some three to four times daily.
- The pensioners are keen awaiting new postings, breaking news by the Editor.
- They must be feeling better to know some thing good in the offing, may be they get positive energy by glancing through / reading the pages of the PC .
- Its popularity is therefore increasing every month as could be observed by the growing number of viewers which has crossed five lakhs (now at present rate read by nearly 6 lac pensioners an year. -Ed.)
- The Editor has directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly enlivened the lives of pensioners keeping them abreast of the latest.
- They are happy with the overall contents of LIC Pensioners Chronicle.
- The title of the blog ,'LIC Pensioners Chronicle' is apt and absolute: over a period of time, it has become the heart throb of Pensioners of Life Insurance Corporation of India.
- LIC Pensioners Chronicle is remarkably edited by Shri P.G.Gangadharan in the interest and for well being of the pensioners .