We are glad to inform that the SLP 8090/2014 filed by LIC stands dismissed by the Supreme court.
- We got the information from our advocate who, under our instructions,was keepiing a track ot the matter and was ready to file our impleading petition in case notice was ordered.
- As the SLP has been dismissed at the preliminary stage itself we are immediately taking up the matter with the CO for issuing necessary adminisrative instructions.
The above development vindicates our policy of dealing with issues affecting Class 1 retirees alone peculiarly, one by one and step by step. We are glad that some of our Units have sent special contributions called for by us for this purpose. The rest of the units are in the process of sending the same. We request and expect them to expedite. The fund augmented thus will be utilised appropriately. GN Sridharan Gen. Secy Fedn of Retd. LIC Class 1 Officers Assns' Camp: New Delhi