LIC’s SLP (Civil) 16713 / 2014 has been reportedly dismissed by Supreme Court
1. As a result,LIC has to refix the salary of Mr M C Jain on 1/8/1992 and arrears of difference in salary have to be paid for the months from Aug 1992 to March 1993;
2. Pension has to be refixed based on revised scale of pay from 1/11/1993;
3. Arrears of difference in pension from 1/11/1993 till date have to be paid.
4. Difference in commuted value of pension has to be paid on account of revision of pension;
5. Restoration of consequential difference in commuted value of pension to be done from the date of completion of 15 years from the date commutation became absolute;
Other Implications flowing from the judgment
1. These benefits will also have to be extended to similarly place retired Class I Officers & Class II Officers.
2. Even when refixation of pension is done from 1/11/1993,DR anomaly will persist which has to be removed in terms of the Jaipur SJB Order dt 12/1/2010 where re-fixed basic pension exceeds Rs 2400 ;
3. Salary revision will also have to be done for Class I pensioners & Class II pensioners who retired after 1/4/1993 w.e.f 1/8/1992 with consequential benefits like revision of pension ,if any;
4. In-service Class I Officers & Class II officers who entered the cadres before 1/8/1992 will also be entitled to the salary revision w.e.f. 1/8/1992 and arrears on account of difference in salary from August 1992 to March 1993 ;
5. In respect of Class I Officers & Class II Officers who retired after 1/4/1993 and died thereafter, the spouse/nominee will be entitled to difference in salary from August 1992 to March 1993, and difference in pension up to the date of death and also refixation of family pension as well as the arrears of family pension from the date of death of the retired officer.
6. In respect of family pensioners, where regular Class I pensioners & Class II pensioners retired between 1/8/1992 and 31/3/1993 expired during that period, Family Pension will also have to be revised besides payment of arrears of salary from 1/8/1992 ;
7. Also family pensioners where the officers entered the Class I cadre & Class II cadre before 1/8/1992 and continued in service till their death after 1/4/1993 will be entitled for arrears of revised salary due from 1/8/1992 to 31/3/1993, and revised family pension from the date of death of the officer;
8. The benefit of the judgment will also have to be extended to Class II Officers who became Class I Officers after 1/8/1992