Sunday, April 27, 2014
We are waiting for the court to take up our case. Wait! What an agonizing thing for elders to do. More so to those who are litigants spending their hard earned money. Should the court require such a long summer vacation when all other institutions barring the academic one.... Should not the nation rethink especially when crores of cases are piling up in the court. Should the adjournments be too long ? Why not an adjourned case come up for hearing no sooner the court opens ? We are again not sure whether the adjourned case will end in finality, I doubt as we have seen judges coming to the bench for hearing do not come fully prepared to have a grip of the suit. So ball is getting tossed from one court to another convenient way of passing the buck.
Too many cases and too little time to read the plaint could also be the reason for the happenings. Therefore the order passed some time is brutally brief sans any clarity and the sitting judge ordering for clarification ! The same suit being heard on different occasion by different judges add to the confusion.
Now the confusion is overtaken by worry as many who are in the sun set of their life live in premonition whether he would survive till the court wrangling are over and they could enjoy the fruits of success.
Worry is the worst thing to unnerve us and reduce our quality of life and has a debilating influence on our health.
Let there be any number of adjournments and let there be any number of high profile Lawyers ganging up at the expense of Policy holders money, be there be not any worry to us for law cannot be turned topsy turvy and one cannot tinker into it as he likes for ultimately justice will prevail and truth will triumph. So have patience.
Sathayameve jayathe.