Justice P. Sadasivam is retiring on 27TH Inst. Justice Rajendra Mal Lodha takes over charge who will retire on 27 TH SEPTEMBER this year.
People who are acquainted
with Justice Sadasivam say that he is an upright person keen to dispense
justice fearlessly without hesitation and compassionate towards human sufferings.
Both the Officers associations should spring into action in sending a letter to
the retiring CJI pleading for his intervention for the speedy disposal of the
suits which could not reach any finality due to unnecessary appeals and several
adjournments cleverly manipulated by the respondent Corporation causing mental
worry and enormous expenditure to the petitioners.
The human tendency is and more so with people holding high positions to do some good before they lay their office. Should we not cash on this which our letter could do. Even if the new incumbent is expected to deal with our matter we can expect some favorable action from him as he will be laying office in coming SEPTEMBER. All that what we are going to ask is quick disposal of our suits so that a finality could be reached without further loss of time.