As per compliance of Supreme Court Order dated 4th April, 2014, entire focus of all L.I.C. Pensioners has now shifted to 12.08.2014 at Supreme Court. Fully endorsing views of our stalwart Sh. C.H. Mahadevan, it is high time or virtually a last chance for all Legal Experts amongst our community pertaining to all camps to please rise above petty things forgetting unpleasantness of past, if any and make full use of this crucial moment for which lot of preparation has to be done much before D-Date.
My humble prayers to all legal experts like S/Sh. R.B. Kishore, C.H.Mahadevan, P.P. Dhamija, Sreenivasa Murty, K.M.L. Asthana and all others who have contributed a lot till date and their contribution is also visible on LIC Pensioners Chronicle read by more than two lac readers like me in just last five months.
My special Thanks to Sh.P.G.Gangadharan for providing all of us a wonderful platform. Mission Unity or Joint Legal Battle on 12.08.2014 is the only way to our final victory.
With my Thanks and Regards for all experts in our community,