I have gone through the above article and the practical suggestions made by Shri M.Srinivasa Murthy and other readers. Shri Murthy has been giving some good suggestions one of which is that he will approach various leaders who are fighting the issues of parity in DA/DR and upgradation of Pension with each revision of salary to in service employees.
- In this connection, I have to inform that a Senior Citizens' Forum has been formed with the office at Dehradun & with Shri O.P.Vasisht, Former General Secretary of LIC Class I Officers' Federation as the Secretary. The Forum has formed a CORE COMMITTEE FOR PENSION UP GRADATION with some Office bearers of the Federation of Retired Class 1 Officers Association and Shri V.C.Jain, General Secretary, All India Retired Insurance Employees' Federation.
- My suggestion in this regard is that the Office Bearers of different Pensioners' Associations of LIC can meet under the auspices of the said Senior Citizens' Forum, thrash out their differences and arrive at a common approach beneficial to all the Pensioners of LIC leaving aside their egos, if any.
Thanking you and with best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
(B.S.Gopala Krishna)