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wish serving employees had gone on token strike for the sake of retired seniors.... |
Request to Serving Employees of LIC, General Insurance and Banks
...May Go on Token Strike for the cause of Their Seniors Retired long way back...
"The AIIEA has included in their Charter of Demands submitted to LIC of India that the employees who retire from 01-08-2012 should get revision of pension along with next wage revision " LSR Krishna Rao wrote on 24-03-2014 in LIC Pensioners Chronicle.
HOW MANY MORE YEARS, the pensioners LIC who retired prior to 01-08-1997 and the pensioners of Banks who retired prior to 01-11-2002 would have to put up with apathy of GOI (MOF), LIC and IBA for getting updation of pension and removal of anomaly in dearness allowance/dearness relief?
WHILE the pensioners and family pensioners of GOI (about 30.00,000) get 100% neutralisation in DA/DR from 01-01-1996, the pensioners and family pensioners of RBI (about 20000) get 100% neutralisation in DA/DR from 01-02-2005.
WHY are the old pensioners of LIC and Banks discriminated?
WHEN LIC, Banks have funds to meet 100% DA/DR - linked to cost of living / CPI to post Aug. 1997 and Nov. 2002 employees and pensioners respectively, it is incredible that LIC and Banks have no funds or dearth of funds as claimed by LIC, IBA and MOF if they give updation of pension and 100% DA/DR to the pensioners in their seventies and plus numbering a few thousands.
THE SERVING LIC AND BANK EMPLOYEES know the role played by their seniors, seniors leaders to get five yearly wage revisions, 100% DA/DR., perks etc. Umpteen number of sittings, negotiations, long drawn struggles, positive and negative (helpful at times) criticisms, morchas, dharnas, strikes etc. None of the wage related struggles have been cake walks.
THE SERVING LIC AND BANK EMPLOYEES are well aware that S/Shri Asthanaji, Aggarwal, GNS, Kishore ex.ED, to mention a few leaders, despite age not being on their side, have not lost the 'spirit' to continue to fight in various courts - for the last fifteen years. No one knows when the final and favorable verdict is coming. Hats off to them and to The Editor, LIC Pensioners Chronicle for all the service he is rendering for the pensioners of LIC in particular and for the pensioners of Banks, RBI etc.in general by providing a platform to share/express views for benefit of all class of pensioners.
The SERVING LIC AND BANK EMPLOYEES must have experienced or heard how difficult it was /is for Unions/Associations to reach an understanding with the Management/s until the wage settlements are signed. The Unions/Associations are often obliged to resort to strikes, at times for longer periods, that too when all other steps/measures taken, fail to convince the 'mind set' of the GOI and Managements.
ON BEHALF OF ALL PENSIONERS OF LIC AND BANKS, it is submitted for consideration of ALL THE SERVING EMPLOYEES AND OFFICERS OF LIC, General Insurance and Banks to go on one or two days TOKEN STRIKE, hold Morchas, Dharnas at HOs and Branches for the just and genuine cause of their seniors. The pensioners should also participate in the Morchas and Dharnas.
Some of LIC and Bank employees and pensioners must have read in the News papers that the United Forum of Four Associations of RBI have been holding silent morchas, dharnas at various offices of RBI for the last four/five years. The serving employees of the RBI participate in dharnas in big number along with hundreds of the old and the recently retired pensioners. The leaders of all unions and leaders of Retired Employees' Association exhort the Management to find immediate solution for pending demand of updation of pension in RBI.They have threatened to chalk out agitation programmes, if no favorable decision by the Bank in the next few months. LIC, General Insurance and Bank employees also may consider some kind of agitation programmes for sake of their seniors
UPDATING OF PENSION AND 100% DA/DR SHOULD BE FOR ALL, THE PAST, THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE PENSIONERS. The serving employees of LIC and Banks may kindly and hopefully appreciate.
MAY THE SERVING EMPLOYEES OF LIC, General Insurance and Banks take the suggestion to their heart and decide to go on TOKEN STRIKE for a day or two. If they strike work for a day or two for a cause, for their seniors, It would be historic in the annals of Trade Union Struggles.
SN, a 1992 Pensioner