How can I stop these mails storming into my mail box? I am not a member of your association. Just because I am in the mailing list of one of your members, I have been receiving all your mails/circulars and all the stuff like petitions, judgments, representations. The same issue is reported by some of my friends also. Please remove my mail-id from your mailing list.
This mail is being sent to all the addressees of your mail - as I do not know who your admin is; also any other recipient may also be like me - they can take the cue.
Santha Lakshmi KM
reading free stuff ! |
(Here's is an interesting mail we happened to receive. Original mail was sent to Smt. Santhalakshmi KM by LIC retired officers association, Kolkata. Smt. Santhalakshmi must be a recent retiree, probably retired after 2008. She may not have anything at stake for the time being. She has a right to get her name removed by sending a request to the Association. But It is most unfortunate, she prefers to call contempt petitions, judgements, representations as mere worthless 'STUFF'.)