- THOSE who were at rooftops when the pension rules were finalized and put up to the Board and later then to the Central Government for approval.
- THOSE who were ED/ HRD and above at the time when the resolution for rectification of anomaly in fixation of pension and/or revision of DA was prepared and put up to the Board for passing
- THOSE who continued at the top most levels of management who did not even probably murmur or sigh, to our knowledge, when the Govt. continued its silence and reluctance even to reply to the resolution of the Board,
- THOSE who believed ( while they were in service ) that for every action LIC proposes the approval of Ministry is a must and also possibly believed that under the same section they needed approval even to write a reminder to the the powers that be....
now..... now...
write hundreds of pages to pour their woes, on disparity in pensions.
My friends !!
We are a class of intellectuals clinging to our own beliefs.
One such belief you know is
Now, your boss cries.
He is right. As he ever was.
You also cry with him.
Who was ED (Personnel) /HRD
when the pension rules were framed? Where are you?
My good Friend !
Why U were silent at that time ?
Please write a line in reply to whatever
Kishore Bhaiyaa says.
FROM: sury Siva meenasury@gmail.com