I fully agree with the comments of Shri Sood . We have grown up to an age and stage that one should not pin point at us. The mudslinging activity do not help us in any manner whereby it affects the health of the writer as well as the reader psychologically.
Now, Aastanji has brought the case to a stage whereby there is no alternative
left to the LIC to act accordingly, of course there is every possibility to delay the things
in their usual and professional manner.
We are able to see from the horizon the rainbow in its true colors that all the pensioners will be
able to concentrate on the calculation of arrears due to them whatever be the Organization/Association
they do belong as on to day.
I hope and trust that every one is now ready to do their best to support our cause of UP-GRADATION PENSION to every retired LIC employee whatever be the cadre at the time of their retirement.
Federation I request every pensioner to contribute to lend the moral, physical
and financial strength and support to the cause of pensioners i.e. to
to Shri Aasthanaji who is alone fighting for the cause of pensioners.
With warm greetings,