Monday, August 31, 2015
AIRIEF -Where does it stand?
31 Aug 15, 07:59 AM
subburathinam: AIRIEF -Where does it stand? !!! Mahadevan Sir !! Like LIC which always looks at GOI for clear directives, AIRIEF looks for directions from the parent organisation. And as U and I know well, AIIEA does not usually take the legal route, unless it is very sure of a positive result, like in bonus case. Any union for that matter more relies on its organisational bargaining strength and that strength as we know well is just wasted when u take the legal route. It is a pity that AIIEA has not taken up this updation issue as a front level issue. May be they feel, it is impractical. or the proposal will cut into the benefits to be conferred on existing employees. I wish I am wrong,
So, Mahadevan Sir, it is futile to expect them to come forward with more clarity on the issue.
is staring at us.still we are agog with 20%
relief. L.I.C made a mockery of S.C Order and prepared to face the consequences.But one thing is made clear that only Pre Aug.97 pensioners will be the beneficiaries,thanks to the support given by the AIIPA and Class I officers' Assn.of GNS.
The Order " in rem " made by the Delhi H.C, I think is
applicable to all the Class I officers but not to the team of
GNS only. But the indication is that GNS members only will
benefit. In that case the alert given by CHM to AIRIEF will
benefit only its members. What about the members of other
Organisations. Mr. Sudhakar expressed his worry and
anguish which deserves the urgent attention of the Post 97
Our own Leaders interpret the Board Resolution to our
disadvantage which the L.I .C is taking advantage of. It is
high time that the Leaders should realise their responsibility
and pay immediate attention to 23rd Sep. The Order of
S.C gave some HOME WORK to the Respondents which
should be done diligently and honestly by the concerned.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
AIRIEF impleadment - Where does it stand?
A couple of months ago a decision was
reportedly taken by the AIRIEF to get
impleaded in the Civil Appeals pending in the
Supreme Court. Thousands of pensioners,
especially members of the AIRIEF, are
anxiously waiting to know the developments in
the matter.
Lot of restiveness and anxiety is being experienced after the SC order dt 7/5/2015 passed for payment of 20% interim relief to the Respondent-employees under the three Civil Appeals. LIC has not acted as per the directions of the Supreme Court within the deadline specified and even after belated steps taken by LIC, it appears hardly 1200 to 1300 pensioners (if at all) will be able to receive whatever pittance LIC chooses to pay by way of interim relief. Even there is a doubt whether LIC will pay anything to anybody before 23rd September 2015 when the SC hears the Civil Appeals.
Fear and anxiety is building up in the minds of 40000 plus pensioners and family pensioners as to what is in store for them if the legal process continues in this manner and whether all the pensioners will get the final benefits even if Supreme Court gives a favourable verdict or whether LIC will confine the payments to a small group only.
Now it has become imperative that AIRIEF needs to act very fast on its decision to implead in the Supreme Court case in the interest of the large number of its members.
Has the AIRIEF leadership got anything to report on the progress in this direction? Time seems to be running out.
C H Mahadevan
Post August 1997 retirees' “WORRY AND ANGUISH”
Dear Editor,
I read our dear P.C daily to know what is happening to our legal fight in various Courts. I sincerely thank you for your arranging such a fast online media which has well contributed with latest news and analysis of our experts regarding the happenings and proceedings in the matter.
Now, we are all waiting for the start of S.C. proceedings on 23.09.2015. Reading regularly the posts published in the P.C. so far as a very common pensioner with not much legal expertise I give below our understanding of the proceedings in different courts so far briefly :
Rajastan High Court : S. J allowed both the writs and ordered L I C to implement ‘ BOARD RESOLUTION OF 2001 ’. Pursuing delaying tactics L I C went on appeal to Division Bench, R.B and lost both the cases. LIC then filed SLPs at S.C where they lost the case. Also the request of LIC to stay the judgment of Rajastan H C is turned down. Continuing its dogged fight LIC made C.A. This matter is still under consideration at S C . On 07.05.2015 S C ordered LIC to pay 20 % of amount due to PETITIONERS as per impugned Judgement of Rajastan High Court as interim relief before 18.06.2015. When LIC pleaded that they have already deposited the amounts due in the Court, SC permitted them to withdraw 20% of the amounts paid into Court. After one month from the stipulated date LIC leisurely approached the H C and requested for refund of 20% of the deposited amount so that they can make the payment of Interim Relief.
While making the deposit as per the court order, mischievously interpreting, LIC excluded all post 1997 retirees from the benefit of Upgradation. Instead of opposing the inadequate or improper calculations arrived, our Case manager has gleefully decided to accept the refund of the 20 % amount by the Court.
When the shocked Post 1997 retirees who are the source and main contributors to the legal expenses here humbly enquire about their fate now, those responsible to answer, feebly say now things like – We have a strategy which cannot be revealed for obvious reasons – let us wait and see what payments LIC Makes – Legal Committee meetings will finalise further action etc.
All the Pensioners are so far led to believe that the benefits Under SC order flow to all of them. This is to convey our WORRY AND ANGUISH through this post because AIRIEF concentrated all its financial might and efforts here.
DELHI HIGH COURT: Here the case is filed on behalf of Pre 1997 retired Officers. Therefore here the post 1997 pensioners belonging to all other cadres are not taken care of .
Punjab and Haryana High Court : Here all the petitioners are pre 01.08.1997 retirees. Here also LIC repeated what all they did at Rajasthan High Court. To pay the interim relief they petitioned for refund of 20% of the amount deposited in the court. Fortunately this is opposed by the case manager explaining the mischievous game of LIC and the inadequacy of the amount they deposited in the court. The petitioners presented to the court the amounts due to them as per the judgement and what a low amount is deposited by LIC. LIC petition for refund of 20 % of deposited amount is dismissed subsequently an I A is made in the SC by the case manager regarding non payment of Interim relief which is coming up for hearing on 07.09.2015
But Sir, here also the Post 1997 retirees are not represented. In his recent post Sri M S M wrote that they are working out on the strategies to get SC order benefits to all 40000 retirees. As I see presently, for the post 1997 retirees this is the only hope and solace. Let us wish him success in his efforts .
Retd. SDM/ Dy.ZM, Visakhapatnam
Insurance Week 2015
29 Aug 15, 10:30 PM
B Ganga Raju: COME SEPTEMBER and Insurance Week commences on the first day of September. The celebrations, opening of enquiry counters etc. are routinely done every year.
Is it not odd that LIC Pensioners do not get invited to participate in Insurance Week celebrations or the valedictory?
Each D.O. can invite the Pensioners to participate in the event by sending mails or SMS messages. (The offices have mail IDs of pensioners).
LIC belongs to all...the serving employees, pensioners, field force, officers, the public at large.
subburathinam: Ganga Raju Sir !! U r having poor memory.R U not aware of a C.O.circular regarding DESTRUCTION OF OLD RECORDS, depending on the type of document, various time limits are given.
Once an LICian always an LICian.
30 Aug 15, 10:50 AM
30 Aug 15, 10:50 AM

I remember that in all most all the Branches, including DOs, we from Audit will have a major query. And this query will be repeated every year. In some of these offices however, a document will be created which will contain names of files destroyed. Last few years, after our retirement, they have included in this list of documents to be destroyed, all pensioners too perhaps. 30 Aug 15, 12:54 PM k s murthy: In Rajahmundry division pensioners are invited for insurance week celebration 30 Aug 15, 05:14 PM v.s.rajamani: In Coimbatore DO pensioners are being invited for Insurance week celebrations. Pensioner's grievances were listened to and problems that could be solved at DO level were taken care of. |
Saturday, August 29, 2015
M. Sreenivasa Murty
Apropos the 7 May Order of the
Supreme Court that LIC shall release 20% of the amount ‘as per the impugned
judgement of the High Court’ (which is yet to be implemented), it is clear that
LIC is playing the game by setting its own rules.
LIC was successfully challenged at
Chandigarh and it had to eat the humble pie by withdrawing its application for
withdrawal of money.
In Delhi, we a see a different ball
game – let us watch.
In Jaipur, LIC took two years to
deposit a total sum of Rs. 19,63,638/- in three instalments between 23.12.2011 and
20.11.2013. The amount withdrawn viz., Rs 3,92,727.60 cannot be the amount to
be paid because even as per its faulty
formula, LIC has to add what is due after 20.11.2013 up to 30 April 2015 to
appear as honouring the 7 May Order. So when the amount released/paid eventually
is more (by a few thousands each) than the amount withdrawn, one may claim,
‘See, I told you, the amount withdrawn has nothing to do with the amount
payable - both are different’. ‘My theory stands proved, I am vindicated.
The fact of the matter by way of a
real example is, in a given case in Chandigarh, LIC deposited Rs. NIL up to 31.07.1997 as against Rs 19,680/-
due. Obviously there is no weightage till then. Continuing the faulty
formula till 31.07.2014 in the same case the amount deposited (of course without weightage) was Rs
34,883/- as against Rs 12,41,310/- due with weightage.
The mischief at Chandigarh shown
above was only a repeat of what was done in Jaipur. So, as and when any payment
is made in Jaipur (Rs.3,92,727.60 or even after adding a few thousand more to take it up to April 2015), Mr Krishna Murari
Lal Asthana should cry foul, blow the whistle, join the platform at SC already
secured for 7 Sept 2015 by the Chandigarh Petitioners and collaborate in
exposing the highhandedness of LIC and the shabby interpretation given by it to
the 7 May Order. If he has a different agenda, that is a different matter.
If the Respondents in all the three
CAs cannot have identical views on the import of the 7 May Order, it amounts to
compromising the interests of the Pensioners community as a whole.
May God be with us…
A decision of the Central Information Commission to provide
required information to a Pensioner / Senior Citizen
We forward herewith a soft copy of the above decision made available to us by Shri J.P.Shah, RTI & Consumer Activist
Yours sincerely,
General Secretary
LIC watching Pensioners Chronicle
Encouraging words the need of the hour from Sri Sreenivasa murti : ‘ Let all the orphaned pensioners wait till 7 th September. They will not remain orphaned thereafter’ provides the much needed solace at this hour of suspense and we hope that his revelation comes biblical.
Meanwhile our good and erudite friends out of sheer enthusiasm and anxiety did a postmortem of the Board resolution and the Jaipur judgment came out with their own diagnosis relating to the upgradation of pension some being negative and some being positive and in the diagnosis some moot points surfaced which does not go in our favor which may provide necessary ammunition to the appellant to use them in their defense.
Suffice to say that as LIC/GOI will be closely watching what is written and said in the Pensioners chronicle, it would be wise for anybody for the time being until the SC rises refrain from giving their own observations which does not go in our favor.
Dear Editor,
I have really enjoyed today morning reading divergent views on your blog from our two learned friends under the caption Crossfire.
I also wish to join both of them by raising a few issues as below.
1. Caption should be Healthy Debate..
2. Yes I agree that GNS must have written to LIC for immediate release of payment to all pre 01.08.1997 retirees in stead of falling in LIC Trap for providing list of in force members and this one single step by GNS would have made him a real hero of LIC Pensioners Community. But it seems that this match was already fixed.
3. LIC has interpreted supreme court order dated 07.05.2015 as usual in its own style and more so LIC did not show any respect and regard for said court order with its act of non compliance within six weeks time.
Why non compliance within six weeks time limit by LIC has not been highlighted or taken up by our two great Leaders means GNS & KML
4. LIC did not deposit correctly amount actually payable to petitioners at two high courts, means no money for pension upgradation or even DA to pre 1997 retirees also calculated wrongly means same being without any weightage of 11.25 % as stipulated in LIC Board Resolution.
Is there any sense to support LIC Application or Move for withdrawal of this petty amount and that also not within six weeks time limit ?
We have also read a new theory floated by KML that there is lot of difference between amount withdrawn and amount to be paid means that LIC will withdraw amount but is likely to pay much higher amount to petitioners.
I hope that our learned friends and esteemed readers will initiate a healthy debate on this issue also.
5 Yes, I agree with a view that being a member of any pensioners organisation does not mean extending blind support to every wrong action or theory of our top leaders. All Members have their own identity and enjoy full freedom to expose any wrong action or misdeed by our so called leaders.
2. Yes I agree that GNS must have written to LIC for immediate release of payment to all pre 01.08.1997 retirees in stead of falling in LIC Trap for providing list of in force members and this one single step by GNS would have made him a real hero of LIC Pensioners Community. But it seems that this match was already fixed.
3. LIC has interpreted supreme court order dated 07.05.2015 as usual in its own style and more so LIC did not show any respect and regard for said court order with its act of non compliance within six weeks time.
Why non compliance within six weeks time limit by LIC has not been highlighted or taken up by our two great Leaders means GNS & KML
4. LIC did not deposit correctly amount actually payable to petitioners at two high courts, means no money for pension upgradation or even DA to pre 1997 retirees also calculated wrongly means same being without any weightage of 11.25 % as stipulated in LIC Board Resolution.
Is there any sense to support LIC Application or Move for withdrawal of this petty amount and that also not within six weeks time limit ?
We have also read a new theory floated by KML that there is lot of difference between amount withdrawn and amount to be paid means that LIC will withdraw amount but is likely to pay much higher amount to petitioners.
I hope that our learned friends and esteemed readers will initiate a healthy debate on this issue also.
5 Yes, I agree with a view that being a member of any pensioners organisation does not mean extending blind support to every wrong action or theory of our top leaders. All Members have their own identity and enjoy full freedom to expose any wrong action or misdeed by our so called leaders.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Subburathinam's joke is interesting. Persons who remained outside Unions did receive monies out of wage revisions. They enjoyed non-member status, criticised all, lost no wage-cut for participation in any form of agitation have made themselves as successful and such persons can be seen in any organisation. Any settlement is their right. Such persons have also throughout criticised Unions for any form of agitations.
Here also those who remained outside Associations expect that they should get all benefits made available even though court cases are initiated by members of Union and benefit is available to members of the Union which filed the suit. If they wish to receive benefits, they should better approach LIC for their kindness and need not cry unashamedly in public. In private they can shed their tears. In court cases in Jaipur and P&H HC only those who went to the court are receiving benefits which Shri Asthana has decided to receive. Though lakhs of Rupees were spent for conduct of the court cases, Asthana will jolly well enjoy all the monies. Then nobody has any complaint. Even Sridharan's list is not available, yet paragraphs are written for receiving the benefits.
Subburathinam's joke is interesting. Persons who remained outside Unions did receive monies out of wage revisions. They enjoyed non-member status, criticised all, lost no wage-cut for participation in any form of agitation have made themselves as successful and such persons can be seen in any organisation. Any settlement is their right. Such persons have also throughout criticised Unions for any form of agitations.
Here also those who remained outside Associations expect that they should get all benefits made available even though court cases are initiated by members of Union and benefit is available to members of the Union which filed the suit. If they wish to receive benefits, they should better approach LIC for their kindness and need not cry unashamedly in public. In private they can shed their tears. In court cases in Jaipur and P&H HC only those who went to the court are receiving benefits which Shri Asthana has decided to receive. Though lakhs of Rupees were spent for conduct of the court cases, Asthana will jolly well enjoy all the monies. Then nobody has any complaint. Even Sridharan's list is not available, yet paragraphs are written for receiving the benefits.
Try to be atleast part of organised union movements, fight for your rights. And it is a sorry picture that those who never joined any movement, now stand up and speak for those who have always received benefits in the past even without any struggle which is a normal union activity.Those who were in the galleries all these days and enjoying the play are also demanding their 'fees' for watching the show. And there also persons out to plead for the cases of these orphans. Let us continue to watch this interesting show!
28 Aug 15, 06:11 PM
Mr.Manohar !! u r missing the crux of the issue. I have already said I am not among pre 97 retirees. I may add that I was also not only member but also held responsible posts in Fedn from 1975 till 94. I continue to be a member till this day. That is not the point here. U r talking about the relationship between a union and its member. I am talking about the legal obligations of an employer towards its own employees to ensure that they make no discrimination amongst workers who fall in the same category. Please avoid abusive words in your chat.
I have known people who did not pay membership fee but made considerable donations. How do u treat them now? They avoided membership for obvious reasons. I do not know anything about Asthana. Even with regard to GNS , I asked only for facts. All that I said was that and will continue to say is that GNS should say at least that he stands for all Class I officers who are pensioners now. I expect GNS to declare that LIC should have straightaway paid 20% or any amount direct to all the officers/pensioners for whom he had filed the case. Of course, he could represent only class I, not others. But even this, he did not do. Manohar Sir ! Let me repeat, that I am a post 1997 pensioner, but still was with GNS when he said DA neutralisation for pre 97 was the main issue and he is not averse to taking updation alongside.
I have known people who did not pay membership fee but made considerable donations. How do u treat them now? They avoided membership for obvious reasons. I do not know anything about Asthana. Even with regard to GNS , I asked only for facts. All that I said was that and will continue to say is that GNS should say at least that he stands for all Class I officers who are pensioners now. I expect GNS to declare that LIC should have straightaway paid 20% or any amount direct to all the officers/pensioners for whom he had filed the case. Of course, he could represent only class I, not others. But even this, he did not do. Manohar Sir ! Let me repeat, that I am a post 1997 pensioner, but still was with GNS when he said DA neutralisation for pre 97 was the main issue and he is not averse to taking updation alongside.
Manohar Sir ! U may be correct when u refer to employees who are not members of any union and criticize everybody but receive the benefits after settlement of pay scales. This point is well received.
But the issue i am raising is different. Having said that, I expect GNS sir to come forward with facts and affirm that he represents and represented the case of all pre 97 pensioners, at least Class I among them.
Manohar Sir !! I am not with any other group. I still continue with GNS assn only but that does not deter me from raising my voice against something which I honestly feel is not correct.
Subburathinam's chat
Subbu is known all these days for his wonderful chats with a refined humor. Like many Readers/Pensioners I feel better each time I read his posts.
Today he is angry. He said he was writing his latest Post 'with a heavy heart'. It is actually his righteous indignation. He is fully justified and all his points are valid. Like him many, including GNS's members feel let down.
But I am eager to appeal to Subbu, JUST TO IGNORE GNS & THE FEDERATION. GNS was brilliantly trapped by LIC. But he and LIC combined, CANNOT do any damage to the interests of Pensioner community.
Let all the Orphaned Pensioners wait till 7th Sept. They will not remain orphaned thereafter.
Thanks and regards,
Sreenivasa Murty M
28 Aug 15, 07:48 AM
subburathinam: In any organisation, many many employees prefer to remain outside the control and membership of any union. When a wage agreement arrives, no question is raised as to whether u r a member.
The wage agreement is for all, though negotiations are done with recognized unions only. So, any union recognised notionally represents all employees, not its members alone.
I have a good many number of colleagues who preferred to remain outside the Fedn for good reasons. A leader envisions good of the people in entirety. Not to his chelas. I write this with a heavy heart.
Secondly, LIC implemented wage revisions for all employees, not for only members of Associations with whom they conducted negotiations. Any decision conveying an enhanced benefit must encompass all.
Having a motto, YOGAKSHEMAM VAHAMYAHAM, LIC now says probably GNS kshemam vahaymaham. Let me add I am not a beneficiary if 100% neutralsation comes for pre 97 retirees. But I felt it was just as it tended to remove anomalies amongst pensioners. Not GNS and orgn dividing even pre 97 retirees appears to be inhuman. I want to be enlightened as to the exact facts of what exactly goes on NOW.
GNS and our orgn appear to divide even pre 1997 retirees. This is to say the least heart breaking. Let wisdom prevail on all sides.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
IA No 6 of 2015 in CA No 6995 of 2013
Dear Editor,
The IA is shown at Sl No 22 of the Advance Cause List for 7 Sept
2015 as per the extract attached. PLEASE CLICK HERE
Thanks and regards,
Sreenivasa Murty M
Dear Mr Chandrasekaran,
Referring to our telephonic talk today, I
attach a letter by email written by me to Chairman in Sept 2014 CLICK HERE FOR LETTER TO CHAIRMANalong
with an illustration CLICK HERE FOR ILLUSTRATIONto demonstrate the anomalies in Family Pension
arising if the method adopted by LIC for depositing the amounts in HC
Registry of Chandigarh is followed.
This illustration -besides other arguments-is sufficient to nail LIC on its faulty approach towards pension revision.
us hope LIC gracefully recognises their fallacious approach and
graciously and rationally rectifies the anomalies before being pulled up
be the Apex Court.
Kind regards.
C H Mahadevan
He cannot be reminded of even a small slip !
![]() |
Whose turn it will be in AIRIEF to talk about Pension? |
(When a Pensioner Association leader talks to the Chief (P), he in fact talks to LIC. Any issue/pension issue including release of 20% as per SC order could be discussed with him and the pensioners informed of latest position in the matter. Ed.)
Chat column comments
27 Aug 15, 10:48 AM
subburathinam: GNS in his Delhi case, appears not to represent even all Class I for which he was GS for well over two to three decades, but a restricted group loyal to him.
I am not one in the pre 1997 group. But justice demands that at least there should be no discrimination amongst all pensioners. I was supporting GNS. Now I learn to my dismay that he does not even represent the Class I officers for whom he was GS for well over three decades. Will Uppiliappan approve this !! I wonder.!!
27 Aug 15, 11:37 AM
27 Aug 15, 11:37 AM
POINT OF NO RETURN: CH Mahadevan's response
Mr M V Venugopalan has reflected on the ground realities on the manner in which the three cases are handled in the Supreme Court with no unity of purpose. We have to accept it as a fact of organisational life of the pensioners' fraternity. But we can, in my opinion, have faith in the judiciary to arrive at an objective decision irrespective of the notes of discord wherever they arise among the three sets of respondents, purely based on points of law.
As regards his remarks on the
sketchiness of both
the Board Resolution and the Justice Bhandari
judgment,my reading and re-reading of both the
documents leads me to
conclude that there is no
need to have an iota of doubt that both
for upgradation of pension.
The Board note uses the word "upgradation of pension with 11.25% weightage as provided for in service employees".
pages 9 to 18 of the Jaipur judgment deal with not only the dearness
relief anomaly,but also the discrimination in regard to."dearness
allowance or other benefits"(page18).
The last sentence of the
operative part of the judgment clearly states that there cannot be
discrimination while stating ." that every retired employee may
get the same benefit"
The D S Nakara judgment has also come up
for considerable length of discussion which would not have been
necessary if only DR anomaly was to be ordered to be removed. A mere
consideration of Art 14 & 16 of the Constitution would have
sufficed. Of course these two Articles are very much relevant for
upgradation of pension also.
LIC was in a mood to address the issue of DR anomaly while wage revisions w.e.f 1/8/2007 were to be finalised in 2010.But the moment the Jaipur judgment was delivered, LIC put the DR anomaly removal in cold storage because LIC knew very well that the judgment covered upgradation also and decided to appeal.Rest is history. If LIC believed that Jaipur judgment covered only DR anomaly, they would have very happily implemented the judgment and we could all have forgotten about any possibility of getting upgraded pension for ever.
Now at least there is a ray of hope for a possible redress in the Supreme Court.
Let us hope for the best in the meantime.
attach the copy of the Jaipur judgment for ready reference CLICK HERE TO READ JAIPUR JUDGMENT in case the
readers may like to gain fresh insights by reading it again (It may
already be in the archives,but still I thought it will be useful for
ready reference).
C H Mahadevn
Chat column comments
27 Aug 15, 09:04 AM
JM Aboobucker: The odds against our case appear to outweigh the favourable points. 1. Bickering and infighting among the 3 litigants leading to different approach to the common issues of LIC Pensioners.
2. The much relied about LIC Board Resolution by the Litigants is only for 100% DA according to LIC.
4. Our Pension Scheme is a Defined Benefit Scheme which has to be viable by our own pension fund management. The DB pension scheme according to any countries of the world is unsustainable and become obsolete. Hence they are changing to the Contributory Pension Scheme now called in India as New Pension Scheme which is supposed to sustain on its own without State Subsidy.
5. The oft repeated Ripple Effect by GOI. Any favourable judgement will certainly create more headache to the MOF/GOI from the bank pensioners. Even if all these odds are surmounted to get a favourable Judgement, as Mr Christian has rightly pointed out, the biggest odd is the implementation by the GOI. Hence September may come and go but the woes of the pensioners will remain ever.
27 Aug 15, 09:10 AM
jn christian: @ ms rao sir and because of that monopoly syndrome of so called namo's gujarat model presently gujarat is facing patidar's agitation. IS IT NOT MISUSE OF PEOPLE'S (ELECTEROTE) TRUST.
@ ALL WELL WISHERS THE ONLY THING THAT CAN BE SUMMED UP IS “ Invention is exhausted, Reason is fatigued, Experience has given its judgement but Obstinacy remains unconquered”.
27 Aug 15, 10:03 AM
M S Rao: September may come and go but the woes of the pensioners will remain ever & Onion prices will keep rising as long as rulers keep touring ignoring home country ! Now is time ripe for an ONION SATYAGRAHA who is going to be an ONION GANDHI!
Chat column comments
27 Aug 15, 08:25 AM
jn christian: Respected M.V.VENUGOPALAN sir strong words in right spirit presented by u. the only common thing about orop and licians pensioners struggle is both r cheated by law makers and govt...
the present democratically elected govt is not enacting the approved and sanctioned definition of orop THEN IT IS CHEATING ONLY WITH STAKE HOLDERS AND NOTHING ELSE.....
Letter from AIBRF to IBA seeking
appointment to discuss bank retirees' issues
E-mail received from GS, AIBRF and its attachment are forwarded herewith.
Yours sincerely,
General Secretary
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Dear Editor,
It is unfortunate and rather sickening to see that the blame
game is continuing unabated. The SC Order of 7th May seem
to convey different things to the three leaders. Each is finding
fault with the other for the strategies adopted. While both
Mr.Murty and Asthana have made their intentions clear and
open, what Sri.GNS is doing is under wrap. The net result, as
on date, is that none of the pensioners has received a pie so far
from LIC.
They are in the dark not only about the goings on but also about what is due to them as per the purported order and how much they will be receiving from LIC. The talk that what LIC has deposited in both Jaipur and Punjab and Haryana H.C is far short of the amount legitimately due to the ‘eligibles’ has further confused them. The fate of the post-1997 pensioners is more pathetic. None of the three Case managers has any clue as to whether the Order speaks about only the DR arrears or it includes the arrears relating to up-gradation of pension too. The wordings “ as per the impugned order” of the HC has been mauled and disfigured beyond recognition. Each one has adduced his own reason for not making an attempt to ascertain what exactly the 7th May Order meant and who are the targeted group. The most gullible amongst them even showed utmost readiness to furnish any information that LIC dared to ask for , in absolute contravention to the spirit of the Supreme Court Order. In short, 20% arrears has brought in its wake , only agony and total confusion to the pensioners. Thank God, the predicament is confined to the expectant 1500 pensioners (approximately).
While Mr.Murty seems to have taken some damage control measures by filing an IA in the SC, pointing out the dilatory and wilfully obfuscating tactics of LIC in postponing the payments due to the pensioners (petitioners in respect of both Jaipur and P&H HCs) and forestalling contempt proceedings against them, Shri. Asthana is,perhaps, waiting in the fond hope that LIC will disburse to the petitioners under the Jaipur HC an amount arrived at by him, which includes the 20% arrears pertaining to Up-gradation also. Absolutely ludicrous and laughable situation indeed!
Why not the three of them understand the simple logic of ‘tagging’ all the three cases? The nature of the litigation being the same and the aggrieved parties being of a homogeneous nature the SC was very right in tying them together. No one might have imagined that even though the over-riding concern viz; relief to the entire community of pensioners in the form of solving the issue of parity in DR and up-gradation of pension, is the same, the three parties involved will pull in totally different directions. Any judge hearing our case is bound to be entirely mislead by the line of arguments advanced by each party, thus delivering a judgment not doing full justice to all the three parties concerned. This kind of lack of unity is unheard of in any other Organisations who are also fighting similar such cases. This being the ground reality, the outcome of the SC hearing fixed for the 7th of September is a foregone conclusion. As long as this divisive approach stays with us, LIC and the GOI will be further emboldened to strike us as hard as possible and ensure that the victory is snatched away from us. The very reason why they are treating the court directions with impunity and disrespect is because of the split which is wide open amongst the three of them.
Another bickering which greatly annoys us is the tussle between Mr.Murty and Mr.Asthana with regard to the legal wisdom under each ones command. Mr.Asthana seems to be under an illusion that he is the last word as far as legal matters are concerned and no one else can be a match to him. Luckily for us,Mr.Sridharan is not in the ring to take the fight to the enemies camp. I must say that we are extremely fortunate to have all the three case-managers who are also legally qualified and practising even now. Is it necessary that we have to depend too much on them for legal advise when we are also engaging senior advocates to argue our cases. Supposing, it had turned out that none of them possess a legal qualification, will we not depend on our counsels to fight our case. Please, therefore, involve them more and more and allow them also certain independence when it comes to how they would like to handle the hearings. Let us not forget that they are paid for that. After all the legal issues we are dealing with are not ‘rocket science’ and all of us who have worked in LIC for 30 to 40 years know a little bit of what court cases mean.
The OROP and our issue has no parallels whatsoever. Their pension is paid out of Govt.exchequer and our pension is paid out of the accretions to our pension fund. It should be self-sustaining So also the central-Govt pension ,the pension payable to the RBI pensioners etc. The closest example can be that of Bank pensioners. Banking Industry and Insurance Industry are two sides of the same coin. Pensioners of the Banks are keenly watching the development of our case in the SC. The chief reason why the GOI is so much antagonistic is they are concerned that once the up-gradation is through for us, whatever the route, it will open up floodgates of series of similar issues elsewhere. The BUREAUCRATS are dead against others getting the same benefits like themselves. The govt.of the day , a majoritarian one, in principle, want only the ‘contributory ’pension to remain as the singular route for pension to the organised employee class,leaving intact,of course the social security option to the under-privileged. We cant rule out even the judiciary taking a stand favourable to the Govt for social reasons,notwithstanding the constitutional protection etc. (Article 14 and 16) we have,prohibiting discrimination of any form.
If they want to avoid a POINT OF NO RETURN and remove the road-blocks, they have got to see the writing on the wall. During my recent talks with a few of our right-thinking pensioners, they strongly felt that not only our Board Resolution, but even Honble.Bhandari’s judgment too is sketchy and not emphatic about up-gradation. Removal of parity in DR was,in fact, a non-issue vis-à-vis the up-gradation. It is time the three of them realised this truth and worked towards implementation of a common agenda which inter-alia, should ensure flow of the benefits arising out of the final verdict(hopefully) to all the pensioners. They must engage themselves in a consultative process with the active involvement of their counsels before entering the portals of the Supreme Court. WE CAN HAVE CONTROL OVER OUR ACTIONS BUT THE CONSEQUENCES ARE GOVERNED BY LAWS OF NATURE. In order the consequences don’t go haywire, let us exercise control over our actions!.
With warm Regards,
Will the Class I Federation make the list public?
My telephonic interaction with a few pre-August 1997
retiree-members of
the affiliate Associations of the Class I
retirees' Federation
indicate that Mr G N Sridharan,
Gen, Secy has assured them that he
proposes to furnish
the full list of pre-August 1997 retiree members to
LIC irrespective of their fulfilling the criteria laid down
by LIC in its letter dt 6/7/2015 to the Federation.
My information is that
there is no official communication by way of a circular from the
Federation in regard to the steps taken by the Federation for securing
interim relief to its members as per the SC order dt 7/5/2015.
- Will the Federation come out with the list furnished to LIC CO in public domain so that eligible members will satisfy themselves that their names find a place in the list and any omissions can be brought to the notice of the Federation?
The more crucial point that emerges
is that if the Federation has furnished the complete list of
pre-August 1997 retiree members,whether LIC will act on the list. In all
probability, they will not. To my knowledge at least one affiliated
Association,viz,.Cuttack Association was formed in 2010 and if the names
of members of that Association have been furnished,we can expect LIC
not to consider them eligible for payment of interim relief.
better course for the Federation would have been to reply to LIC that
as the Delhi HC judgment was for payment of benefits in rem the
Federation had no list to furnish and that LIC could act according to
the judgment by reference to its own pensioners' records.Instead it has
walked into the trap laid by LIC to successfully escape from charges of
contempt of Supreme Court orders.Ultimately the gap between the interim
relief payment and the potential final relief is narrowing every day
with pensioners' mortality taking its toll.
With greetings,
C H Mahadevan
M.Sreenivasa Murty
Pension Cases in Supreme Court
20% Payment still in thin Air
IA filed on behalf of Chandigarh Petitioners -
The IA
(No 6 of 2015 in CA No 6995 of 2013) filed in the Hon’ble Supreme Court on
behalf of the Chandigarh Petitioners is slated to come up for hearing before
Justice Dipak Misra’s Bench on 7 Sept
The chief
purpose of the IA is to invite the Supreme Court’s attention to how LIC defied
its 7 May Order and did not consider it necessary even to seek extension of
time from the Court for complying with the Order. It is hoped that the Supreme
Court would take serious note of the brazenness of LIC’s non-compliance
amounting to deliberate defiance and pass appropriate directions afresh.
It should
be clear to everybody by now that the six-week time limit stipulated by the
Supreme Court to make 20% payment was NOT taken seriously by LIC right from day
one. Not only the time limit, the Order to pay 20% itself was not to the liking
of LIC and it did not hesitate first to mislead the Apex Court on 7 May (that
it had already deposited in the Court, the amount payable under the Judgement),
but later took all the time it wanted, to apply to Jaipur & Chandigarh HCs
for withdrawal of the 20% of the amount deposited. And what it did in the case
of Delhi Petitioners is the height of its impetuousness when it could add,
modify and interpret the SC Order, as it chose to while taking a stand on who
are entitled to be paid under the Delhi Judgement.
Unfortunately, Mr GN
Sridharan, obliged LIC by furnishing the list of his members who according to
him are eligible to receive the 20% payment ordered by SC. It is not known
whether Sri GNS has also certified that the list he gave contains only names
who qualify the conditions stipulated by LIC. If he has not, for instance, if
he ignored the validity of membership clause on a certain date, as prescribed
by the Corporation, chances are that LIC will not honour the list, as it cannot
waive its own conditions.
On the other hand, if he furnished only such names
who are his valid members on each of the given dates, firstly he will be
dropping the names of several of his otherwise valid members and secondly his
claim that all pre-Aug 97 retirees are eligible for some benefit under the
Delhi Judgement, also stands negated as he would have voluntarily surrendered
the in rem relief granted by the Delhi HC. What LIC does for the Delhi
petitioners, is worth watching.
As of
now, no payment was made to Jaipur petitioners although LIC had a cake walk in
withdrawing Rs 3,92,727.60 through its application that had a safe passage,
thanks to Mr Krishna Murari Lal’s very original and very unique strategy.
When IA
No 6 of 2015 is taken up for consideration on 7 Sept 2015, one can expect LIC
to make all foul noises. How much support LIC receives from the Delhi &
Jaipur petitioners and with what wonderful reasoning, would probably unveil
some new hues of the concerned players.
In the
meantime, I am exploring options available to ensure that the benefits flowing
from the final Judgement will be applicable to the forty thousand plus
pensioners all over the country and not limited to the elite group of 1327. In
other words, let there be no orphaned
pensioners left behind while some leaders may merrily
disown their members as they are not accountable for any of their actions.
On that
mission, and its roadblocks, I wish to cover in my next post.
Sreenivasa Murty
Chat column comments
26 Aug 15, 08:32 AM
jn christian: wishing all success to orop and wishing speedy recovery to fasting veterans.the govt and specially fm aj is hell bent on not giving rightful dues in form of orop to defence veterans.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
1 veteran hospitalised, 2 join hunger strike
- PTI, New Delhi |
- Updated: Aug 25, 2015 21:43 IST
Two ex-servicemen joined the veteran, who is now hospitalised, in the hunger strike to demand the implementation of 'One Rank One Pension' initiative to be launched by the government, amid speculation that the scheme may be announced this week.
Havaldar (retd) Ashok Singh Chauhan, was taken to the Army Research and Referral (R&R) hospital after suffering from 'muscle atrophy', becoming the second veteran in as many days to be hospitalised.Havaldar (retd) Major Singh, who is also on hunger strike since August 16, refused medical check-up.
Havaldar (retd) Ashok Singh Chauhan, was taken to the Army Research and Referral (R&R) hospital after suffering from 'muscle atrophy', becoming the second veteran in as many days to be hospitalised.Havaldar (retd) Major Singh, who is also on hunger strike since August 16, refused medical check-up.
Meanwhile, two more veterans, Major (retd) Pyar Chand and Naik (retd) Uday Singh Rawat, joined the fast-unto-death protest, which entered its ninth day on Tuesdau, at Jantar Mantar.
The protest at Jantar Mantar has been continuing for the past 73 days.
The developments came as speculation mounted that government might announce the OROP by August 28, the golden jubilee of the 1965 War with Pakistan.
(the hindustan times)
(the hindustan times)
Chat column comments
24 Aug 15, 10:20 PM
G. Narayanaswamy: I wish all success for RKV in his efforts. And I think he is the same RKV with whom I worked in Chennai in the early 60s in the NB dept.. Anyway all the best. Hope Good news will follow.
G. Narayanaswamy: I wish all success for RKV in his efforts. And I think he is the same RKV with whom I worked in Chennai in the early 60s in the NB dept.. Anyway all the best. Hope Good news will follow.
A Daughter Like the One we are honored to have is really a Precious Gift of the Almighty to us.
See what a daughter can do to you.
D.... oes so much to bring you joy.....
A.... dds lots of love to your world....
U... plifts you with her smile......
G..... ives you memories to cherish.....
H... as the warmest hugs to share.....
T.... ouches your heart with her sweetness....
E... njoys doing thoughtful things......
R.... adiates her own special beauty......
A.... dds lots of love to your world....
U... plifts you with her smile......
G..... ives you memories to cherish.....
H... as the warmest hugs to share.....
T.... ouches your heart with her sweetness....
E... njoys doing thoughtful things......
R.... adiates her own special beauty......
To put slightly differently - DAUGHTER - Delightful, Attentive, Understanding Girl: Highly Thoughtful, Ever, Reliable.
Let us have close look at why the God Almighty thought of Daughters.
Why God made Daughters? --------- When God created Daughters He
took very special care to find really precious treasures that would make
them sweet & fair. He fashioned them from honey and a little bit of tasty spice.
He gave them hearty laughter and everything that's nice.
God must have smiled when He made Daughters,
Because He knew He has created love and happiness, for every Mom & Dad.
He also ensured that in days to come they will become mother's,
And give more Daughters to this World,
And the cycle of life and death will continue for generations and years to come.
took very special care to find really precious treasures that would make
them sweet & fair. He fashioned them from honey and a little bit of tasty spice.
He gave them hearty laughter and everything that's nice.
God must have smiled when He made Daughters,
Because He knew He has created love and happiness, for every Mom & Dad.
He also ensured that in days to come they will become mother's,
And give more Daughters to this World,
And the cycle of life and death will continue for generations and years to come.
With best wishes,
Revision of pension of Pre-2006 Central Govt. pensioners
Revision of pension of Pre-2006 pensioners - PCDA Circular 144 dt 14-08-2015:-
Monday, August 24, 2015
SK Jatana remembered
Dear Editor,
- Whereas LIC under directions from GOI continues to harass its pensioners to deny them their dues during their life time despite favorable verdicts from three high courts and supreme court order dated 07.05.2015, 7th petitioner in the case in Punjab & Haryana High Court Chandigarh out of total 31, namely Sh. S.K. Jatana departed for his heavenly abode today the 23rd August 2015 evening without getting any justice during his life time like six other petitioners being S/Sh. M.L.Gandhi, Harkirat Singh, A.S.Majha, D.C.Bhardwaj, P.C.Chopra, and R.K.Singla. May God grant peace to the noble souls and wisdom to GOI /L.I.C. to reconsider their action of treating its ex LIC employees and senior citizens very unfairly.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
From the Chronicle archives
SK Jatana had this to say
about late Surinder Sood
तुम तो निजात पा गये आलम को छोड़ कर
पर हम तो पा सकेंगे नहीं गम से ही निजात I
ताज़ा है अब तक ज़हन में वो तीन जनुअरी
इस साल जब मैं आ के तुम्हें घर पे मिला था !
जाने को हम तय्यार थे एक लम्बे सफर को
था वक्त का तकाज़ा व मजबूरी-ए-हालात।
जी भर के भी न मिल सके, था वक्त मुख्तसिर
हसरत भरी निगाहों से बस अलविदा कहा।
शफ़कत से नवाज़ा हमें बरसाईं दुआएं
लेकर इन्हें रुखसत हुए थे अपने सफ़र को।
हसरत थी तमन्ना थी बार बार मिल तो लें
फ़ानी जहां से कूच कर जाने से पेश्तर I
कामिल यकीं था आस भी फिर आ के मिलें गे
इस आस से तस्कीन मिली, कुछ चैन भी दिल को !
फुर्क़त्त के तस्सुवर ने किया था इस क़दर निढाल
मुश्किल से ही थे कर सके आग़ाज़ सफ़र का !
मजबूरी ए हालात ने गुल ऐसा खिलाया
कर खून हसरतों का दिया दर्द भी ऐसा !
बिगड़ी तेरी सेहत का ही हर रोज़ का ख़य्याल
हर पल मुझे मायूसीओ के दर पे ले जाता !
मैं बारहा हज़ारहा परवर्द्गार को
करता था वक़्फ़ सारी दुआएं तेरे लिए !
खदशा था या तश्वीश थी जिस बात की मुझको
वो नामुराद ख़याल ही बस बन गया दुश्मन !
तुम से ही थी वाबस्ता खानदान की ही राह,
जिस राह पे ही पैवंद हैं तुम्हारे नक्श-पा !
क़िस्मत से ही मिले थे तुम मखलूस इक राजा,
सब के दिलों पे राज करते थे हमेशा तुम !
हर दिन की सुबह लाती है सूरज की किरण इस धरती पर
पर हुनर ए सुखन से तुम तो सदा हर दिल को चराग़ाँ करते थे !
उस पर तेरी मुस्कान तोह्बा क्या ग़ज़ब ढाती
खिचे चले आते थे कचे धागे की मानंद !
हटता नहीं इक पल भी तेरा माहजबीं चेहरा,
नज़रों में ही पैवंद है तस्वीर आप की!
आने से तेरे किबल ही झोंका हवाओं का,
देता था मरे दर पे ही वो दस्तक-ए-आमद !
बेताबी-ए-दिल से तेरा करते थे इंतज़ार,
जब सामने पाते ख़ुशी थी चूमती क़दम !
तुम खिदमत ए मख्लूक़ में जुटे थे इस क़दर
उस को ही था बना लिया दीन ओ ईमा तेरा !
आसाइशों आराम को कर तुम ने दर गुज़र
बाम ए अरूज़ लाये तुम " सूद भवन " को !
समाज सेवा में थे कोशा दिल ओ जान से
पर घर की मसलेहत का था जनूँ बाला तर !
इस में ही तेरी वक़्फ़ थी हर सुबह शाम ओ शब
बहबूदी व मसलेहत ही में अहलो अय्याल की !
न दिन को तुम्हें चैन था न रातों को आराम
खिदमत ही बस खिदमत ही था दीन ओ ईमान तेरा !
अनथक व बे शिकन वो सेवा हर इंसान की
लासानी रहेगी हैं जब तक चाँद सितारे !
जद्दो जहद क़ुर्बानिओं की तुम हो इक मिसाल
तेरा न कोई सानी होगा इस जहाँन में !
यकलख्त ही तुम मोड़ लोगे मूंह, न सोचा था
पल भर भी हम न कर सके थे, इसका तस्सव्वर !
बच्चे तेरे निढाल शरीक-ए-हय्यात भी,
पल भर भी तुम्हें भूल न पाएंगे वो कभी!
ला-इन्त्तेहा शफ़क़त से तुमने उनको नवाज़ा,
तुम से जुदा न कर सकेगा अजल-ए-मौत भी!
खुशिओं ने नाता तोड़ दिया जब से तुम बिछड़े,
कब तक भला जिएगा कोइ ग़म के सहारे!
तुम क्या गए बहारों ने भी फेर लिया मुँह
दे के दिलासा झूठा फिर से लौट आने का !
इन्सानिअत व प्यार की तुम दे गए दौलत,
ममनून व मशकूर रहेंगे तेरे ता-हय्यात!
यारब तुम्हारी रूह को ही जन्नत अत्ता करे,
है बारहा हज़ारहा हम सब की यह दुआ!

सुदर्शन कुमार जटाना " दर्द "
शोकग्रस्त: जटाना परिवार: अदिति-समीर , स्वर्ण-सुदर्शन, सना-सनत
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