Pension is a boon to any employee to lead a peaceful life. The central Government Employees’ ,
State Government employees do receive pension and it is but natural that every increase in wage
revision of the existing employees’ the retirees will also get an increase in their pension in the cadre they retired. Almost, One Rank and One Pension.
Whom she will oblige ? |
The L I C also had a pension rules broadly based on Central Government Pension Rules. A reference
is also made to refer Central Government Pension Rules. But the L I C has forgotten all the norms
and forms of revision of pension which is in practice in the Central Government. Then the pensioner has no option to approach the Court. One Shri K M L Asthana has filed a case in the Jaipur
High Court 1998 and a federation of ALL INDIA RETIRED INSURANCE EMPLOYEES’ FEDERATION was also formed and supported him. One single Judge M N BHANDARI has given the Judgement. The
L I C has no respect towards the Jaipur High Court Judgement Dated 12 01 2010. The L I C preferred
an appeal which is dismissed by the Division Bench even then the L I C has no respect towards
the Judgement. They preferred a review and also filed SLP in the SUPREME COURT OF INDIA.
The SLP of L I C was dismissed and the review petition filed in Jaipur is also dismissed.
The wiser counsels of L I C did not prevail on them. The L I C has again failed another SLP
in the Supreme Court after a lapse of time, but it is also dismissed. The L I C filed 3rd SLP
which is converted in to CIVIL APPEALS without giving a stay order on the Judgement of the
Jaipur High Court specifically. But the L I C did not obey even the order of the SUPREME
Similar case is filed by Late Shri M L GANDHI and along with 22 members in the Chandigarh High
Court. But basing on the JUDGEMENT of SJ M N BHANDARI they have given similar Judgement
and advised L I C to pay 12% interest for the delayed payment. But L I C did not oblige the
Court Verdict. The L I C preferred an SLP which was converted in to Civil Appeal and NO STAY
And a similar case was also filed by Shri G N Sridharan in Delhi High Court, the Judgement
of the Delhi High court is also based on the Judgement of SJ M N BHANDARI. But L I C could
not oblige and preferred SLP in the Supreme Court which was also dismissed. The L I C filed
another SLP which was also converted in to Civil Appeals and the Supreme Court also has
not given any stay on the Delhi High Court Judgement.
The Supreme court of India did not grant any stay order of JAIPUR, CHANDIGARH and also
Delhi. The eligibility criteria is decided by its bench is from the date of retirement or from
the date of eligibility.
You do find that L I C has no respect towards the court orders and they are taking adjournments
after adjournments. They are misusing the legal lacuna with all delaying tactics.
........ We hope that you will advise the L I C to implement the Court orders and also a resolution
of their own D/ 24 11 2001 which could rectify and resolve all our problems. (excerpts).